Story Structure and Tinderbox: How to REALLY make it work for you

Text indent turned out to be easy: it goes in the CSS I added to the HTML Page.

17 PM

turns out you can add tags to your text as well, as long as you understand that the tags added by the template are still functional. So if I add a header tag here:

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it works

and this is the produced HTML

if I just add a bold tag, the indenting is preserved.

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Nice to know the system is this flexible.

Just don’t cut and paste from RTF text!

I’ve said it before: HTML Templates are the tragically underused superpower of Tinderbox. You think it’s the maps, and the maps are great, and the outline is great, but it’s the interaction with the output that makes this system so brilliant.


If nowhere else, the ‘rules’ about codes in Tinderbox (case-senstivity, whitespace, etc.), are documented here. If re-starting a deep dive into Tinderbox it’s probably worth taking a skim through the Objects & Concepts part of aTbref to see what’s changed from you remembrance from previous work.

Tinderbox’s general vibe (outside documented limitations such as above) is to be quite permissive - i.e. it will attempt to figure out the user’s intent - and fail silently[sic] if it can’t figure an outcome.

A superpower that is devilishly strange to the casual user. Like any kind of coding (although HTML is not really “coding”), find an interesting project to challenge yourself and practice, practice, practice. And keep open all the time in a browser.

A tip: for complex documents with numerous HTML templates, it is useful to use a code note for your CSS to make it modular and easier to maintain – say, a note named “myCSS”. In the <head/> of the template then insert


Thanks -aTbref is just invaluable. Believe me, I’ve been using it. This is just a tidbit I missed.

If we get together a list of ten or twenty most common syntax errors I’ll write a debugger. The frustration happens when there’s no feedback on a syntax error, and you lose hours. Doesn’t need to happen. I make syntax errors all the time in at least three other languages every day, and I don’t have to be smart: the compiler finds them.

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I love the CSS note suggestion

Led me to think of creating internal structure for my scene thoughts like this:

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adding this bit of code, thanks to your thought

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it works great, brings in the individual attribute value into the text.

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and I can see the italicized bits at the front of a section

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…and again, turn them off at the flip of a switch on the base prototype.

happy customer @eastgate

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I’ve done some more work on this, I’ll get it up here fairly soon. I really like the tool this let me make.