Tinderbox Training Video 12 - Working with media in your TBX files (Part 1)

Hi Michael,
first of all: thank you for all the work you put into your lessons - they are really helpful!

Two suggestions:

  • I made a special prototype only for using external images. So I can add the text snippet there and don’t need any additional software
  • you don’t need the “file:///” prefix. The absolute path without it works fine.

I do have two problems too:

  • in your demo file everything works like a charm, in my own file instead of the rendered image I see a “0” only. I think this problem is connected to the export templates - I think I have to watch another one of your lessons to get this fixed :wink:
  • I looked for the documentation of the syntax used with the value function and the attribute. I found no explanation why those “^” characters appear in the source… any hint?

I’m using embedded images so far. But tinderbox files grow in size by a large amount with even small images and tinderbox becomes slow when I open a container with some images. So to use external images is fine for me (no security problems since most of the images are copied from Wikipedia) - but I need them to appear in the map view and they don’t. I see the html element (<img…) instead.

