Category | Topics |
Tinderbox TasksDiscuss Tinderbox in the context of a particular task, workflow, or setting. This category aims to discuss the broader context of how Tinderbox is best employed and how its methods can help in projects and studies. Ask questions, or offer experience related to how Tinderbox can be applied to task, e.g. to research, personal organisation, teaching practice. This is not for detailed how-to ('what button?', etc.).
Q & A - getting started with TinderboxGetting started? Just plain stuck? Forgot how to do that thing you did last year?
Tutorials and ExamplesGot a demo to share? Got an interesting article about Tinderbox or Storyspace? Found typos in the Help? Have a case study to contribute?
Training VideosThis sub-forum is for threads describing and linking to a series of videos to help you gets started with Tinderbox and then explore some deeper features.
Agents, Actions and AutomationCan't find the right notes? Can't carry out the actions you need? Wondering how to automate what you do note-by-note at present? Here's the place to ask.
Exporting from TinderboxExporting to text? Exporting to HTML/ Exporting to other mark-up formats - XML, JSON, RSS? (most mark-up types are possible!). Not able to export? ask here!
Inter-app workflowsThis is an area for the more expert user. If you want to get into niche detail about possible tightly integrated workflow in/out of Tinderbox using scripting this is the place rather than the more general sub-fora. Trying to get closer integration with DEVONThink, Scrivener, Bookends, Simplenote, etc? NOTE: Tinderbox itself does not have an AppleScript dictionary but basic generic interaction can be done via AS. So:
External Scripting of TinderboxThis forum is intended for discussion of using the OSA scripting interface added in v8 for AppleScript and JavaScript. This scripting acts externally upon Tinderbox, unlike the built-in Action & Export code which operating inside the app. Thus scripting may be useful for inter-app workflow (if both apps can be scripted) or in doing import/export task that are otherwise hard to do within Tinderbox.
Off the WallHave a new idea? Can’t quite figure out how to do something? Suggest and discuss items of general interest here. For feature requests, or things only of interest to Eastgate, please email
Storyspace and Hypertext NarrativeAsk here both for Storyspace-specific issues, e.g link logic, guard fields, etc., and for broader topics on Hypertext literature, and narrative form and planning, sculptural hypertext etc.
Tinderbox & Storyspace EventsNews about events, meet-ups, etc of interest to Tinderbox or Storyspace folk.
LegacyMoving from v5 to v6 the Tinderbox interface changed a fair bit. Some long-time Tinderbox users may be dusting off old TBXs files or wondering how to update their code. Discuss those issues here to avoid confusing new users.
MetaDiscussion about this forum, its organization, how it works, and how we can improve it.
File ExchangeShare sample files and examples in this category.