Add item in a grid instead of horizontal line?

Is there a setting that will tell notes to be added to a container in a grid instead of straight line?

I donā€™t believe so. $CleanupAction only applies to agents/smart adornments, and the View ā†’ Arrange ā†’ Cleanup function is only applied directly (ā€˜liveā€™) via the UI.

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Begs the question how the software understands the users intent which is likely a variation ā€œfitting on screen betterā€ though the number of items (closeness of packing?) and size of screen vary. I note this only as I was thinking on the practicality of doing this as a container attribute (doc setting?).

You could set $Xpos and $Ypos in the containerā€™s OnAdd action. For example:

$MyCol=$SiblingOrder%5; $Xpos=5* $MyCol; $Ypos=3*(floor($SiblingOrder/5))

The % operator is modulo or remainder: If $SiblingOrder is 23, $SiblingOrder%5 is 3.