@chrisH, can chance you can join tomorrow’s meetup? I don’t have time to develop a mock-up for you, but I have several ideas that we can go through live during tomorrow’s meetup—we can see if they work fo you.
My strategy would include the following:
- Images stored locally on harddrive, pulled through templates
- pMedia prototype
- Use $Hover
- Use $Fill
- function to automatically link images to attribute values (useful for hyperbolic view)
- Several user attributes to capture the QDA tagging you’re looking to do
- Use $Smartadornments to market the QDA process faster (optional)
What I have in mind would like you to tag/categorize images through various vectors, tags, and links, as well as write up your report and publish it to Word, an Excel table, and even a PowerPoint, or hypertext website.
This would be a fun topic to walk through.