New question:
I have an $Edict in p_Day :
This worked on Friday. Of course, it was the middle of the day since that’s when I wrote it.
Today, it isn’t working. The $Edict is inherited from the $Prototype p_Day. It is enabled in the Saturday, March 9, 2024 container.
It won’t run, even with “Run now”.
Consulting aTbRef, I noted that,
but if nameStr is a unique note $Name, a new note is created as a new (last) child of the current note.
Essentially, the two-input form allows 3 forms of variation:
different path, different name (via two nested loops—one for paths, one for names)
different path, same name (loop with path variants)
same path, different name (loop with name variants)
This implies to me that “Midwatch” is a “unique” note $Name, as long as it’s in a “different path.”
So, why won’t this work?
I thought I had the whole “Create” thing down.
Also, thinking I had made it too complicated by using $MyString, I changed it to just the simple command:
Also not working. And I checked, no curly quotes.
To recap: Worked on Friday. Won’t work on Saturday. Unique $Paths.