Create Beautiful PDFs From Your Tinderbox Documents

Dear Mark Anderson,

Thanks a lot for your point out.

I will make a thorough review of the points put forth by sed command.

I can find many notes with Outline view.

In Tinderbox HELP.tbx, there is a css note.
Can not I use and rewrite adding with your css files ??
But, unfortunately, I am not in a position to go any further.

And Export note have three type of Template [/Templates/page template children list]

  1. Simple Export [/Templates/page template]
  2. Exporting to HTML
  3. Export Templates (Designators, Placeholders, Macros and Group Designators)
    [/Templates/page template children HTML item]

On the other hand, there are plain notes
i ) Templates [plain]
ii ) css [plain]

I wish I could find informations about how to add [css ]in Template.
How the HTML links to CSS not come to my hand, yet even in whole HELP.tbx.

Should I need to make a folder as a [Templates] , first ?

I have nothing good to report t the moment.

I will put [sed command] in action during this afternoon.

I will present a report on it, later.

I owe you a great debt of gratitude.

Thx and regards, WAKAMATSU kunimitsu