Extract Anchor and URL from pasted HTML

Iā€™m not sure. With the AppleScript, one necessary (unwanted) step, of course, is making sure to select the rich text with the link and then typing command-c to copy to clipboard before running the script. In my simple test (a short note with a link formed by copy-pasting from the Eastgate site) the results were as expected: html like this:

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN\" \"http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd\">



<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=utf-8\">

<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Style-Type\" content=\"text/css\">


<meta name=\"Generator\" content=\"Cocoa HTML Writer\">

<meta name=\"CocoaVersion\" content=\"2022.3\">

<style type=\"text/css\">

p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 16.0px Helvetica}

span.s1 {font-kerning: none}

span.s2 {font-kerning: none; color: #fb5a08}




<p class=\"p1\"><span class=\"s1\">Whether youā€™re plotting your next thriller or writing your dissertation, designing a course, managing a legal practice, coordinating a campaign or planning a season of orchestral concerts, <a href=\"http://www.eastgate.com/Tinderbox/updates/Tinderbox88.html\"><span class=\"s2\">Tinderbox 8.9</span></a> will be your personal information assistant</span></p>



You can see the anchor and url in that.

The action code above yields this html (unfortunately there is no url to grab; not sure why):

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd">
  <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
  <meta http-equiv="Content-Style-Type" content="text/css">
  <meta name="Generator" content="Cocoa HTML Writer">
  <meta name="CocoaVersion" content="2022.3">
  <style type="text/css">
    p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 12.0px 'Helvetica Light'}
    p.p2 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 12.0px 'Helvetica Light'; min-height: 14.0px}
<p class="p1">Whether youā€™re plotting your next thriller or writing your dissertation, designing a course, managing a legal practice, coordinating a campaign or planning a season of orchestral concerts, Tinderbox 8.9 will be your personal information assistant..</p>
<p class="p2"><br></p>
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FWIW, experimenting with Tinderboxā€™s AppleScript methods shows they do not expose the RTF layer of $Text, only the plain text. But, the desired link info exists only in the RTF version of $Text. I imagine other AppleScript approaches might be able to drive UI access the essentially scrape the RTF from the $Text area of the $Text pane and use that.

Itā€™s tough working with RTF in plain AppleScript. Generally the only practical way (for all but the most expert) is to go through the clipboard.

FWIW, hereā€™s a quick and dirty way I found to extract urls from a note using Automator. There are two separate images here. I selected the text in the note (top) and copied to the clipboard with command-c before running the workflow (bottom).

The shell script action has this:

osascript -e 'the clipboard as Ā«class RTF Ā»' | perl -ne 'print chr foreach unpack("C*", pack("H*",substr($_,11,-3)))' | textutil -stdin -stdout -convert html -format rtf

It seems that it should be possible to put the perl and textutil parts of this into the first argument of runCommand and STDIN the RTF with $Text in the second argument. But I couldnā€™t figure out how to escape the perl so that it wouldnā€™t throw an error.

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Thanks @sumnerg. One more question. Do you know if it would be able to parse and create a keypair of the anchor and the url, e.g. ANCHOR::URL?

The Automator action is quick to implement. But, alas, there seems to be no easy way to get the anchor text.

However, to my surprise, I managed to wrangle AppleScript to do the job by adapting scripts shared online.

Script here
-- adapted from https://www.macscripter.net/viewtopic.php?pid=182034, https://macscripter.net/viewtopic.php?id=46657

use AppleScript version "2.4" -- Yosemite (10.10) or later
use framework "Foundation"
use scripting additions

-- get any rich texts off the clipboard
set pb to current application's NSPasteboard's generalPasteboard()
set theRichTexts to (pb's readObjectsForClasses:{current application's NSAttributedString} options:(missing value)) as list

if (count of theRichTexts) = 0 then
	display dialog "No rich text found on the clipboard" buttons {"OK"} default button 1
	error number -128
end if

set theRichText to (item 1 of theRichTexts)

-- get length so we can start from the end
set start to (theRichText's |length|()) - 1

-- make plain string copy to work on
set theString to theRichText's |string|()'s mutableCopy()

set output to return

repeat while start ā‰„ 0
	set {aURL, theRange} to theRichText's attribute:(current application's NSLinkAttributeName) atIndex:start effectiveRange:(reference)
	if aURL is not missing value then
		-- get linked text
		set anchorText to theString's substringWithRange:theRange
		if aURL's |scheme|()'s isEqualToString:"mailto" then -- email address
			set newLink to aURL's resourceSpecifier()
		else if anchorText's containsString:"This Site" then -- resource specifier, remove //
			set newLink to aURL's resourceSpecifier()'s substringFromIndex:2
		else -- full URL
			set newLink to aURL's absoluteString()
		end if
		set output to ((output & anchorText as text) & "::" & newLink as text) & return
	end if
	set start to (location of theRange) - 2
end repeat

return output -- to view in Script Editor Result pane
And shorter, cleaned up script here
-- adapted fr https://www.macscripter.net/viewtopic.php?pid=182034, https://macscripter.net/viewtopic.php?id=46657
-- copy rich text to clipboard and run

use framework "Foundation"

-- get any rich texts off the clipboard
set pb to current application's NSPasteboard's generalPasteboard()
set theRichTexts to (pb's readObjectsForClasses:{current application's NSAttributedString} options:(missing value)) as list

set theRichText to (item 1 of theRichTexts)
set start to (theRichText's |length|()) - 1 -- will work from end backwards
set theString to theRichText's |string|()'s mutableCopy() -- plain string copy to work on
set output to ""

repeat while start ā‰„ 0
	set {aLink, theRange} to theRichText's attribute:(current application's NSLinkAttributeName) atIndex:start effectiveRange:(reference)
	if aLink is not missing value then
		set anchorText to theString's substringWithRange:theRange
		set urlText to aLink's absoluteString()
		set output to (anchorText as text) & "::" & (urlText as text) & return & output
	end if
	set start to (location of theRange) - 2
end repeat

return output -- to view in Script Editor Result pane

Here the output simply goes to the Result pane in the format suggested for copy-pasting. It could, of course, be delimited in other ways and automated to set values of attribute(s) in Tinderbox.

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Ok, this works perfectly. Thank you for the education. :pray:

Now, to finish this off. Does anyone know how to trigger an Apple Script from TBX? I can use the run command to copy $Text to the clipboard. I then want the apple script to run, and paste the results back into Text, or possibly a new note (have the apple script create a new note). Then, I can run an explode to parse the results.

Ah, so much fun to have later.

If extracting links from multiple notes then selecting them and File > Export > As Text > RTF > Selected Notes seems to be the way to go. Then run this script and choose the file that Tinderbox creates from the export.

Script here
-- adapted fr https://www.macscripter.net/viewtopic.php?pid=182034, https://macscripter.net/viewtopic.php?id=46657

use framework "Foundation"
use scripting additions

set thePath to POSIX path of (choose file)
set urlPath to current application's NSURL's fileURLWithPath:thePath

set {attString, theError} to current application's NSAttributedString's alloc()'s initWithURL:urlPath options:(missing value) documentAttributes:(missing value) |error|:(reference)

set start to (attString's |length|()) - 1 -- will work from end backwards
set theString to attString's |string|()'s mutableCopy() -- plain string copy to work on

set output to ""

repeat while start ā‰„ 0
	set {aLink, theRange} to attString's attribute:(current application's NSLinkAttributeName) atIndex:start effectiveRange:(reference)
	if aLink is not missing value then
		set anchorText to theString's substringWithRange:theRange
		set urlText to aLink's absoluteString()
		set output to (anchorText as text) & "::" & (urlText as text) & return & output
	end if
	set start to (location of theRange) - 2
end repeat

return output -- to view in Script Editor Result pane

Iā€™ve noticed that the the RTF ā€œlayerā€ (or whatever it is called) is somehow ā€œdisturbedā€ in any note where a ā€œwikilink/ziplink/text linkā€ is added. The colors (if any) of the text pasted from the web all shift when one is added and the external links in the text are no longer clickable, ā€¦ and of course these scripts can no longer find any hyperlinks. Not sure if that is expected behavior.

Why not enable the scripts menu on the OS menu-bar and use scripts that target the current TBXā€™s selection. Essentially it is like using a stamp, albeit called from outside the app. That seems less hassle than tinkering with runCommand().

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It is possible to trigger an AppleScript from within Tinderbox and even pass an argument, via runCommand, using osascript -e, using, say, a stamp. From my (very) old notes:

However, escaping AppleScript for the command line is a daunting task. No single quotes, for example. Similar problems with the perl one-liner above (that I thought might make it possible to pass rich text to textutil for conversion to html, which could be parsed within Tinderbox. )

Now that Tinderbox has external scripting support, making it efficient to get values in and out (with the notable exception of rich text) I suggest just launching a script outside of Tinderbox in the usual ways (the run button in Script Editor, a menu pick after placing the script in the Script menu, or with a keyboard shortcut after placing the script in an Automator Service, a.k.a. Quick Action).

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This is perfect!

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Would be great if we could set $Text to rich text via AppleScript.

Iā€˜d like to e.g. get parts of a PDF as attributed string and create a note from that.

@eastgate Would this be possible?

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Set $Text to rich text and get rich text from $Text into a script.

And not have $Text ā€œdisturbedā€ by addition of a text link (per above) so that links canā€™t be extracted.

I suspect it is complicated, per @eastgate :

Not actually an RTF writing space. But the internal format happens to be stored as RTFD

But it would be nice. Especially the ability to add text links in a note without the existing links ā€œdisappearingā€ from the built-in export to RTF.

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Weā€™ll take a look!

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@Pete This is going in the opposite direction from what you describe but I have figured out how get an attributed string from a Tinderbox note via AppleScript (thus retaining formatting and any embedded links). The results are easy to see in Script Debugger.

The script below retrieves the rtfd for the selected note from the tbx xml, decodes it, and converts the rtf part into an attributed string.

Perhaps going the other way (attributed string to Tinderbox) could be done by base64 encoding it in AppleScript and writing that to the rtfd. I suspect one would be living dangerously if one tried to write from a script directly to the xml of a document open in Tinderbox, though, as the script demonstrates, it is not too hard to read the rtfd from the xml file using XQuery. Perhaps @eastgate could consider exposing rtfd to AppleScript as an ā€œattributeā€ whose value can be read and set.

-- select a Tinderbox note and run

use framework "Foundation"
use scripting additions

tell front document of application "Tinderbox 8"
	set strTBX to read (its file as alias) as Ā«class utf8Ā»
	set theIDs to my doXQuery("for $i in //item return string($i/@ID)", strTBX)
	set encodedRtfds to my doXQuery("for $i in //item return string($i/rtfd)", strTBX)
	tell selection 1 -- the selected note
		set noteID to value of attribute "ID"
		set encodedRtfd to my getValWithKey(noteID as text, theIDs, encodedRtfds) as text
	end tell
end tell

set strRtf to my getStringRtfFromEncodedRtfd(encodedRtfd)
set attrStr to makeAttributedStringFromStringRtf(strRtf)

--~~~ handlers/subroutines ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

to doXQuery(strXQuery, strXML)
	-- XQuery handler adapted from post by Rob Trew
	set {xmlError, xqueryError} to {reference, reference} -- holders to report errors
	set {docXML, xmlError} to (current application's NSXMLDocument's alloc()'s Ā¬
		initWithXMLString:strXML options:0 |error|:xmlError) -- parse XML
	if xmlError is not missing value then return (localizedDescription of xmlError) as string
	set {xs, xqueryError} to (docXML's objectsForXQuery:strXQuery |error|:xqueryError) -- apply XQuery
	if xqueryError is not missing value then return (localizedDescription of xqueryError) as string
	return xs as list -- values retrieved by the XQuery over the XML
end doXQuery

to getStringRtfFromEncodedRtfd(encodedRtfd)
	set decodedStr to do shell script " echo '" & encodedRtfd & "' | base64 -d"
	-- Remove visible and invisible characters outside the surrounding {}
	set startPos to offset of "{" in decodedStr
	set endPos to offset of "}" in (reverse of characters of decodedStr as string)
	set strRtf to text startPos thru -endPos of decodedStr
end getStringRtfFromEncodedRtfd

to makeAttributedStringFromStringRtf(strRtf)
	set ca to current application
	set s to ca's NSString's stringWithString:strRtf -- the string
	set d to (s)'s dataUsingEncoding:(ca's NSUTF8StringEncoding) -- the data
	set attStr to ca's NSAttributedString's alloc()'s initWithRTF:d documentAttributes:(missing value)
	if attStr is missing value then error "String not recognized as RTF"
	return attStr
end makeAttributedStringFromStringRtf

on getValWithKey(aKey, aKeysList, aValuesList)
	set ca to current application
	set theDict to ca's NSDictionary's dictionaryWithObjects:aValuesList forKeys:aKeysList
	set theResult to theDict's objectForKey:aKey
	set tempArray to ca's NSArray's arrayWithArray:{theResult}
	return item 1 of (tempArray as list)
end getValWithKey

Apologies if Iā€™ve misread the aim here. But, Iā€™d note that this seems to be going against the flow. Tinderbox (IIRC for v9) is now ā€˜adoptingā€™ links created/pasted in the RTFD layer of text. I note the RTFD aspect as given that links are defined in against the plain text_ layerā€ , using AppleScript to define a link in the RTFD layer when it could more effectively defined in the plain text later. Rich text style, necessarily, must be defined in the RTFD layer. But, I see only downside defining the link in the RTFD layer and then expecting Tinderbox to pick up the pieces.

ā€ . Tinderbox stored links in a <links> linkbase discrete from the text, but link anchors are defined by character offsets in the plain text <text> of the note rather than the styled <rtfd> version. For those not aware, Tinderbox stores both plain and styled text.

[edits for clarity]

The aim is definitely misunderstood.:grinning: This isnā€™t about ā€œdefiningā€ a link in rtfd or asking Tinderbox to ā€œpick up the pieces.ā€ Itā€™s a demonstration that making the rftd accessible to external scripts can be useful (at least as read-only, if setting the value of the rtfd turns out to be too problematic).

The aim is to get styled text in and out of Tinderbox via AppleScript without going through the clipboard, either manually (as in the first examples above) or through easily broken ā€œguiā€ scripting.

This script demonstrates one way to get styled text out (including any ā€œsmartā€ links that happen to be in the rtfd). Itā€™s not too hard. But it would be much easier if the rtfd could be read directly (like reading the value of an attribute) rather than having to resort to XQuery.

Going the other way, getting styled text into Tinderbox, as @Pete has requested above, may be more difficult. My thought was that perhaps a scripter could base64 encode and set the rtfd to that, but @eastgate would have to comment on that.

BTW, I do not believe it is entirely correct to say that native Tinderbox links are ā€œdefined in the plain text_layer.ā€ In the xml of my current version (8.9.2) I see them defined in <links>, with the position of the anchors specified in terms of offsets (sstart and slen) in the plain text. That may seem like quibbling. But the distinction is hugely significant from a scripting point of view. Unlike smart links embedded in the rtfd, itā€™s not that easy via a script to get text links out of Tinderbox anchored in their proper place in the text, though that has been demonstrated in the forum using R reading the xml.

Anyway, would not making the rftd more easily accessible to external scripts be a good idea, at least read-only?

Apologies if I misunderstood end intent here. I thought this referred to links rather that RTFD as a whole.

As to link storage, I think we are on the same page. I was being under-specific. Iā€™ve amended my post above and pointed to the only documentation I know of on this area of the app. In aTbRef it variously refers to v6 or v7. Essentially this model is correct up to v8 except with regards to things like window and tab state. As the latter (saved tabs) is changing for v9, Iā€™ll probably update the part post-launch as itā€™s a long task of black-box testing to both find stored versions of all states and then to diagnose their mapping to actual settings.

Yes! Iā€™d totally agree that making the styled text version of the note available to scripting would be useful (if possible without a lot of engineering cost.)

The links aspect has become confusing simply due to (past) issues with detecting/adopting links pasted or generated in the RTFD layer.

The linkbase approach may seem alien to those educated on the Web, but the linkbase is a stronger and more classically hypertext approach. In principle it allows differentā€”or noā€”linkbase to be applied to a given note. Indeed in Microcosm the user was able to apply numerous discrete linkbases to the same corpus and by altering the linkbase stack order influence from with link base a potential link might be supplied. The closest we get in Tinderbox is to link the same notes with multiple links of differing link types, which allows us different semantically defined trails through our hypertext (document).

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Thank you for the pointers on the ā€œlinkbaseā€!

Confusion as to aim is understandable as the discussion started with a question about how to extract links from the rtf. When I later commented in passing how easy it was to get values out of Tinderbox by script, except for rtf, @Pete broadened the discussion by asking for the ability to pass an attributed string into Tinderbox.

That got me learning about attributed strings and such, culminating in the (latest) script above demonstrating that it is not too hard to get rtf out of Tinderbox and into an attributed string without manually going through the clipboard. The flow: Encoded rftd from between the rtfd tags ā†’ unencoded rtfd ā†’ unencoded string rtf ā†’ attributed string. And then from attributed string to wherever.

That scripting flow already works. Here on the left is the Tinderbox text pane and on the right the result of the script as displayed in Script Debugger. (Script Editor canā€™t display an attributed string, but itā€™s there.)

The styling, including colors and fonts (mostly), exports ā€œautomatically.ā€ No html coding and css. Potentially useful!

But scripting would be much simplified by being able to get the encoded rtfd as one would the value of an attribute, rather than mess with querying the xml. And from a scripting point of view it is a pity to lose an external link from the rtf after choosing Make Web Link... There might be an advantage to leaving external links in the rtfd when they are recorded in the ā€œlinkbaseā€ (so theyā€™ll export via native Tinderbox export to html/markdown and also via script to attributed string.)

Going the other way as @Pete suggestedā€“from attributed string into Tinderboxā€“Iā€™m not so sure. I was thinking perhaps the flow could be attributed string ā†’ base64 encoding ā†’ rtf ā†’ rtfd. Not sure, though, of the implications of setting the value of the rtfd. Perhaps @eastgate can comment in due course.

Nope; thatā€™s not going to work. I think I might see a way to do this, but not before Tinderbox 9 is sorted out.

If you know of any decent documentation on Applescriptā€™s handling of NSAttributedString, that would be nice to have.

When it comes to AppleScript expectations can vary on what constitutes ā€œdecent documentationā€! But after educating myself a little more I find the documentation is better than I originally thought it might be.

NSAttributedString and its methods and instance methods are of course well documented. So the trick is to understand how AppleScript calls them. That is done via AppleScriptObjC, or AsObjC for short. A quick explanation of AsObjC appears here.

By far the best resource to understand AsObjC is Shane Stanleyā€™s Everyday AppleScriptObjC e-book. It turns out that the weird-looking possessive is simply telling AsObjC to call an instance method.

The book includes lots of examples, including explanations of how to interpret the Cocoa documentation well enough to get code working in AsObjC. NSString is covered extensively. I couldnā€™t find anything specifically on NSAttributedString, but the approach is the same, calling different methods.

There are NSAttributedString examples in the Late Night Software forums (Script Debugger, which Shane developed), including here and here, and on macscripter.net. And, of course, there are a few AsObjC examples in the Tinderbox forum by @ComplexPoint and @Pete, and above in this thread.

Looking forward to Tinderbox 9! (I hope it will let me copy rtf out of the text pane, or File > Export > As Text > RTF) with external links still ā€œliveā€ after I have converted them via Note > Make Web Linkā€¦ Right now, in 8.9.2, they appear in the ā€œlinkbaseā€ but disappear from the rtf.)

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