From Evernote to Tinderbox

Yep! Here’s some action code:

if($Name.endsWith(".html")) {
	$Name = $Name.replace("\.html$", "")

You can do this in an agent… I used to have lots of things like this. Now I do this sort of thing in a stamp. It’s not really something I need running all the time. It’s more like I’ll spot a note that has a name I don’t like, and run the stamp. Or maybe use an agent and disable it when I’m done.

edit: check out Automatically link a note with a tag to a note that has the same name as that tag? - #4 by mwra where @mwra shows how to use find to do a “broad strokes” execution, like an on-demand agent.

Pretty nifty…

find($Name.endsWith(".html")).each(n) {
	$Name(n) = $Name(n).replace("\.html$", "")
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