Indicating 'order' on a map

At last week’s meet-up @TomD raised an interesting point. To paraphrase, if you have a map, how do you get a sensible listing of note $Text out, given that Map layout and outline order are not connected?

A suggestion I made towards this end were two methods you can use, note flags and/or captions as shown below:

I didn’t have time at the meeting to illustrate that, but the above gives an idea. In the very simple example, we’ve two discrete groups of notes. I’ve used some variation in flag levelling to help give ideas. It occurs to me that if flags are in use already in a doc, it might be a smart-looking way to label a map image (e.g. as exported via the EditCopy View As Image menu) so as to be cross read with exported textual descriptions. Also don’t overlook that the image posted to the clipboard by Copy View As Image is vector (scalable) data. It’s not rasterised into pixels until you save it as a JPEG or PNG. Saving as a PDF will make it easy for your audience to embiggen the image on their own computer without losing detail. Not too that the exported image does not reproduce (deliberately) some fine detail like shadows and shading. See: Edit menu.

I hasten to add it isn’t the solution, but rather a possible part of the solution to the wider question.

If using text in note flags, do read my note in the flag feature as I’ve just added additional info re text in flags reflecting issue I noticed while writing this and which i’d overlooked in aTbRef.

†. If unsure on that aspect if this, there is a whole section of aTBref covering Map-vs.-Outline.


The aTbRef entry of Flags is interesting and informative but in the 2nd line of the 2nd para $Flags are said to be List-type whereas near the bottom of the entry, under ‘Multiple flags and icon width’ they are described as a Set.

Thanks. That’s an error, now fixed. I also checked the listing for $Flags and that was correct.

I further checked in past baselines and $Flags were originally added in v7.5.0 as a List-type (and documented as such). So, the reference to a Set data type in the more general article was an authoring error by me. FWIW, the section of the article you mention was explaining how to define two flags. The sample $Flags code result looks like this:

Untitled 2022-02-09 14-59-03

Hope that helps :slight_smile: