Language Learning in Tinderbox

I’m not sure how much use it would be for someone wanting to study homeopathic remedies!

@MartinBoycott-Brown The antecedent for “it” is unclear but if it is Pleco then traditional Chinese medicine and other medical dictionaries are available.

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Tinderbox may be overkill for language-learning (or at least I haven’t turned it into my powerhouse tool for that). I have much stuff about learning Spanish stuffed in Tbx, but it is mostly the unstructured anecdotal things to remember that don’t fit anywhere else. I’ve made very productive use of Brainscape Pro to study Spanish, and to prepare for project-management certification exams. There are preset flashcards you can use from the community, but I always like to make my own flashcards intended specifically to help me remember that which I struggle to remember. It has intelligent spaced repetition capabilities. You can share your cards or not. Anyone wanting to learn anything with flashcards should look at Brainscape Pro. I paid $80 for a lifetime subscription years ago, and it has paid for itself over and over.