Named color values changed by Dark mode?

I had imagined that the c. 180 color names used in Tinderbox were mapped to fixed RGB values, as shown in:

but am I missing something ?

In the atTbRef table linked above, the name bright red is paired (as we might expect) with the full-blooded, all red RGB value #ff0000.

If, however, in Dark mode, if I create a new vanilla document with ⌘N, create a new note in map view, and enter bright red for the value of its $Color attribute, I get, instead, a much less saturated and more particular #a32857:

23 00

Do the meanings of the color names depend on the display mode ?

Test code in AS:

tell application "Tinderbox 8"
    tell front document
        tell item 1 of its selection
            {evaluate with "$Color", evaluate with "$Color.format()"}
        end tell
    end tell
end tell
--> {"bright red", "#a32857"}

Run in Dark Mode, but with ‘Darker colors’ switched off:



Ah, changing the colour scheme of the new document from its ⌘N default to ‘Modern’ seems to change the interpretation of ‘bright red’.

{"bright red", "#ff0000"}

Is that what I should expect ?

Is there a color scheme in which all (dark mode ?) color names correspond to the values of the table at:

? Or should we perhaps assume that Color name ⇄ RGB is not a direct or predictable relationship ?

For better or worse, Tinderbox has always allowed custom colour values for colour names. IOW, if you want ‘blue’ to be an orange colour you can have it. In fact for a long time it is the way to swap colour ‘palettes’ if I know ‘blue’ is actually an orange colour but if I show you that doc or send it to oyou, you might be a bit confused.

So the colour name is _no assurance as to that colour’s actual RGB value.

`Darker colours’ is explained and is nothing to do with dark/light OS mode.

I’m unclear exactly how OS colour mode changes an app’s colours but then again, it is not to clear that Apple’s got much more of a clue either. Whatever, it likely applies extra transforms to those already discussed above.

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Thanks !

Is there a simply describable recipe for obtaining the “Basic color schema” displayed with rgb hex values at:


It is the source TBX (download). The the colour chips on the map are each a single note, where their colour is their $Color value. You will see I used 2 colour prototypes in the TBX, because a few notes needed slightly different handing.

At the time I first did this (Mar '09 in the v4.6 era, over 10 years ago!) I used rules but as they were ‘always on’ I moved the $Rule code from the prototypes to path /Boilerplate/c_colour_prototype. At the time I used format($Color) to get the RGB value as dot operators didn’t arrive until v5.7.0 (Oct '10). Anyway, see the TBX and you’ll be able to recreate and tinker with the process.

If it all gets screwed up, just download a new TBX copy (that gets updated each time I do a full site refresh. Thanks for the trip down memory lane (and the opportunity to fix some unreported image breakage in the Doc settings part of the online aTbRef8.

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I guess I should add that now you’d probably use $Color.format (as here) rather than format($Color), but they both do the same thing.

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Much appreciated - thank you.

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The is the now included as the Tinderbox 7 Color Scheme

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