Querying notes in one tinderbox document and copying the found queried notes (by copy and paste) to a new tinderbox document?

As another example of what it takes to copy a complete tool or applet from one Tinderbox document to another, I just added a step-by-step guide to doing this with the Toolbox logging application. The new version 1b of the Toolbox file is here.

The step-by-step guide is in this note:

"/Main Document/How to add logging tools to another Document"

While this is a specific example, and not a general case, it does point out some of the issues with copying Prototypes, Hints, and Templates along with what needs to be done to activate Attributes and Stamps in the destination document.

I also recognize the utility of using AppleScript to automate aspects of this, and plan to dig into this approach as well.