I’m going to comment on this from one specific perspective, rather than generally. That is, how Tinderbox could be the essential visual component of a Zettelkasten workflow involving Devonthink. I’m starting to investigate Zettelkasten so these may be naive thoughts (I’m still trying to work them out), but I hope they’ll add something to the Roadmap discussion. Do critique away…
I’d like to see the Roadmap as a collapsible pane which reduces the height of the text pane but doesn’t replace it (in the same way the Key Attributes panel works).
I’d like to see a button on the Roadmap which transfers its contents into a list of [[Name of the Linked Note]] wiki links, which is either added to the end of the note, or placed in the clipboard for copying back to the original note in DT3 / The Archive etc.
The main assumption is that Tinderbox can’t be the single one-app-fits-all repository for an all-encompassing Zettelkasten. You also need at least a reference manager/big document store and for me that’s Devonthink. As DT3 offers many of the same features as Tinderbox, the main question is where you carry out those ‘shared’ actions. For me, DT3’s abilities to search the text of the sources (pdfs etc), and its greater capacity are decisive, so if it were a question of choosing only one, it would have to be DT3. So for me any use of TBX for Zettelkasten has to be as a supplement, rather than a substitute.
But I do see TBX as offering something unique to the process and that’s in the field of visualising the network of ideas and ‘happy accidents’ that a Zettelkasten is supposed to foster through ‘clusters of ideas’ and ‘note sequences’. All the Zettel apps, including DT3, I’ve tried seem to struggle with this: at best they seem to expect you to identify the clusters through a combination of tagging, searches and explicit links and there is no easy way of identify a note-sequence in its entirety, apart from following the links individually.
Tinderbox offers a way round that: you can Dance a map until the clusters of related notes become obvious and then you follow the note sequence through the Hyperbolic View and the Road Map. This seems to me to be a really valuable and as far as I know rare ability and the reason why Tinderbox has to be part of the overall Zettelkasten workflow.
So, what could an enhanced road map add? The obvious first answer is that it takes away the need to worry about backlinks – a real problem in DT3 and The Archive and so on, where you have to jump through hoops or Script Editor to get them. A toggled Roadmap panel which follows the selected note and keeps the Main View (Map, Outline etc), the Text panel AND the Roadmap in view at the same time would allow you to see the whole structure ‘unclustered’ and still be able to follow links easily to further parts of the map, where there may be spatial rather than explicit links.
So the first suggestion from me would be that the roadmap works like the Key Attributes list does now: it’s a collapsible panel which reduced the size of the text panel, but doesn’t replace it.
The second request is to facilitate the use of the backlinks in Devonthink and other systems. Spending a lot of time creating links between notes in Tinderbox is less useful and less likely to be done if you have then to recreate them manually in DT3.
I do appreciate that two-way syncing isn’t available, would be a huge challenge, and it’s not realistic to request it! So I’m not…
But I wonder if it would be useful to be able to have a button to add the contents of the Road Map to the end of a note’s text in Wiki Link format? I see the process as:
- the TBX Zettelkasten is populated by watching the external Zettelkasten folder (in the finder or in DT3)
- you use Dancing, Hyperbolic view and Roadmap and all of Tinderbox’s tools to analyse the networks and create new links
- when you’ve finished, you click the button and the contents or the Road Map are added to the end of that note’s text in [[Name of the Note]] format (which most ZK editors recognise). Or perhaps the button simply adds the formatted contents to the clipboard?
- you copy and paste the new content into the note in DT3 (navigating by the DT URL field…) for storage/editing etc where it will later be ‘watched’ back into Tinderbox for the next bout of visual analysis.
Export won’t work for this (AFAICT) because it creates a new note in DT3, when we want to change an existing one. (There is a question of how links created in DT3 are added to the TBX map, but that’s a lesser issue, because those links are visible in the text in TBX, while the reverse isn’t true.)
I imagine that it would be possible to write a stamp to add the links to the end of the note oneself: but I think it would be useful to build this into the Roadmap itself.
I hope this helps add to the discussion – just writing it down has helped me think about what I actually want from all the software I (very happily) spend so much time and money on…