Select multiple notes in map view by, e.g., prototype

Probably worth noting that the orange-brown colour in the gaps between notes are links. Here there are clearly a lot of links.

This does make me wonder if drawing the links helps in this view as the note packing means links can’t be seen meaningfully yet likely add some overhead to drawing the view.

Links can be set, per individual link type, to not be visible (see Links Inspector), but be aware that change then applies to all views (excepting, I suspect, Hyperbolic view—not checked). We might want the links in a map but not in Gaudí.

It crossed my mind that the links are not much use here. I’ve not seen how they appear when there are fewer notes. Presumably similar.

There are many, many links. It looks nuts in map view. :smile:

I too have some very busy maps. But if they have meaning, prettiness is secondary to function.

It reminds me that, in a way, people use links—in map view—in one or both of two ways:

  • ‘drawing’ mode. Here the link is used as in in a box-and-line type tool like OmniGraffle or Visio. The link label is likely used as a visual descriptive label despite ir being, hypertextually, the links link type
  • link label is use deliberately as a type, such as might be queried in action code or used for filtering in Hyperbolic view.

The two can be mixed and matched and there is no ‘right’ way as different users have different tasks and needs.

Note that ‘non-visible’ links are functional is all other aspects of use, they just don’t draw on screen. also, if this tempts the reader ot experiment with the setting, after changing link type visibility in the Inspector, it is a good idea to click the from tab (above the view/text panes) as this will refresh the view. Or, switching to another tab and back will alsi refresh the view. Obvious, but only once you know!

HTH :slight_smile: