The most efficient way to edit your notes

Au I’ve just explained on a separate thread - until v9.0.0 is patched, I can’t repair the all atbref broken links (there are some 4,700 of them!). But for this Date-type question the v8 pages still work. See Date Comparisons - Date vs. Date/time

I’m unclear as to what you mean by ‘Index’. Emacs is a different program with a different design, so it does not help much as a reference.

Are you trying to rename a note based on its creation date/time? If so your example above will work, i.e.

$Name=$Created.format("y-M0-D h:mm:s");

(note: use straight not ‘curly’ double-quotes)

Dear Doctor Mark Anderson,
Thank a lot for giving me the cover.
With the backing of try and error, I found like this which achieve the desired objective of New Note Name.
$Name=Note_ + date(today).format("y-M0-D h:mm:s");
Note_2021-06-29 17:10:00 ( I desire to have this, zettelkaseten-file like)
Sincerely yours, WAKAMATSU

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Excellent. I’m glad you got a solution at last. Thank you also for posting here to tell us you got it working. :slight_smile:

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This all sounds like a great use of agents.

  1. Your agent could be your “index file”. Have it query and find all notes. Stor the container by the latest create date.

  2. You won’t need to click on the note, as the agent will return an alias of the note. Any changes you make to the alias will change the original note.

  3. You can set you agent query to only find notes that have inbound or outbound links, e.g. $InboundLinkCount>0|$OutboundLinkCount>0.

  4. You coud use a Tag attribute to help you manipulate the query so only notes related to the specified tag are returned.

  5. In your agent query you specific $Prototype==false.

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Dear Mr.Michael Becker,
Thanks a lot for detailed description and assisting the process of digestion
for Tinderbox.
I need to spend time learning about from your point of view.
I should just take a step forward.
Respectfully, WAKAMATSU

Here you go, I pulled together a quick example.

TBX L - Agent as note index.tbx (750.7 KB)

Dear Mr.Michael Becker,
First of all, thank you.
I will give it a try.
I will report on my progress later.
Thx and regards, WAKAMATSU

Dear Dear Mr.Michael Becker,
Thank your for your instruction.
With your TBX L - Agent as note index.tbx, hit upon the idea of browsability.
I use from here [Automated way to create note titles from note text body? - Agents, Actions and Automation - Tinderbox Forum] , New stamp
[$Name=$Text.words(5)] and ziplink behaviour at an instant.
I make New Note with ziplink style as a words.
Ziplink creates New anoter Note with thier own link, automatically.
Then I use Stamps to rename for primal Note.
I can get memorable Note-Name and linking polyphasic.
Your agent works to show me with the control of movement.
Respectfully, WAKAMATSU


So glad you’re making progress. :slight_smile: