Tinderbox Meetup Sunday 12th, February 2023: Creating Tables in Tinderbox (Working with inputs and outputs)

Looking forward to this weekend’s meetup.

Time: Feb. 12, 2023 12:00 noon Eastern Time (US and Canada)

9 AM Pacific Time
Noon Eastern time
1300 São Paulo
1600 UTC
1700 London (1600 summer time)
1800 Paris
2130 Dehli

Zoom link for the meetup: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/8850659900?pwd=ZE9ROUs1czNiK2FTTStjTUJuVkIydz09

Does anyone have any topics they’d like to suggest?

One topic that has come up, for which @mwra and I will prepare for, is “Working with Tables” in Tinderbox, i.e., how to consider the output you want, what input is needed (i.e., attribute values), and then how to leverage notes (and their attributes), action code, and templates to think, produce knowledge, and render your tables.