Tinderbox Training Video 08 - Understanding Agents, Queries, Actions, Rules, and Edicts (Part 3)

Tinderbox Training Video - Understanding Agents, Queries, Actions, Rules, and Edicts (Part 3)

Level Fundamental
Published Date 1/2/21
Tags Tinderbox, aTbRef, Agent Query, Action Code, Agent Actions, Rules, Edicts, Note-Taking
Video Length 09:20
Video URL Tinderbox - Understanding Agents, Queries, Actions, Rules, and Edicts (Part 3) v2 - YouTube
Example File TBX - L Understanding Agents, Queries, Actions, Rules & Edicts (Part 3).tbx (112.7 KB)
Revision 1
TBX Version 8.9
Instructor Michael Becker

In this lesson, we build on what we learned in the previous training on creating notes, working with prototypes, attributes, agents, queries, and actions. We are now ready for rules and edicts, as well as some conditional action code. As with the previous lessons, this lesson is focused on the mechanics of how to use Tinderbox’s rich capabilities. In future lessons, we can explore more advanced use cases than the simple ToDo list example I’m providing here. As you learn Tinderbox you’ll be able to unleash your creativity and leverage the techniques you learn from these videos in all kinds of ways to suit your particular projects.

NOTE: If you want to play with the Action Code in this tutorial just download the example file linked above. It is all there.

TBX - L Agent & Queries Part 1

Reference materials

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HI Micheal,

FYI, Your company watermark in right bottom is blending with the dock and grey background of white.

Yup, thanks! I’m working on different formats to figure out what will work best.

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