I’ll throw my hat in the ring.
I have used Tinderbox since v5, I’m a huge fan of org-mode, and I have DEVONthink Pro Office. The issue with all of this is that you can’t really take your notes with you. There are a few org-mode iOS apps but they’re sorely lacking. I had given up on Tinderbox for awhile because I didn’t like the UI changes from v5 but I’ve turned around completely on that and I’ve been working on moving all of my org-mode files into Tinderbox.
I keep TB open at all times and I have a file in map mode so if I have an idea or find a link or whatever, I can just bounce over, create a note, and then come back to it later, put it where it needs to be, add tags, or whatever. I put notes that are similar in bunches on the map and I use tags (under Reference, I think) to write what kind of note it is and an agent will sweep through and file it away for me in a variety of buckets.
I’m a big fan of using adornments with an OnAdd that changes the Prototype so I can just drag notes from one adornment to another to change its status. I use this especially when on the hunt for a new coding contract to track a potential contract’s status: submitted, scheduled, rejected, etc. I just drag and drop and TB does the rest.
I mainly use DEVONthink for long term storage and stuff like recipes, PDF books I’ve purchased, etc. What got me back into TB and away from org-mode is the fact I can take notes with DTTG and Tinderbox can grab them. The reason why I choose to do it this way is that you can customize TB to automate things whereas with DEVONthink requires you to process semi-manually. I like the fact I can just throw a note into Tinderbox, give it a tag, and the agent does the rest.
Finally, to replace org-mode’s agenda, I went back to OmniFocus which has one drawback: no tags. But OmniGroup is adding that feature in OmniFocus 3 sometime this year, so I’m excited about that.
I’m a huge Spacemacs fan (it’s Emacs using evil with a bunch of other really nice bells and whistles) and for awhile there, I was basically using macOS just to get to Emacs where I was reading mail, coding Clojure, using org-mode, etc. I would rarely leave that window. But the drawbacks starting getting rawly evident. I still use Emacs for coding and chatting on Google Hangouts but mail and so forth, I’ve delegated to macOS’ Mail mainly because it syncs nicely with my iPhone X and iPad. Convenience wins the day here.
TL;DR — Tinderbox for daily notes and projects, OmniFocus for task management, DEVONthink for long-term storage.