Why isn't the notes showing in reference

Though not taking issue with @exist2018’s general point, I do think this ‘learning curve’ is a pointlessly weaponised terms that we all, in different contexts, use about things we want (greater depth or complexity) but for which we simply aren’t prepared to expend effort—i.e. learn.

Unlike narrower apps like Roam or Obsidian that primarily make and link notes, Tinderbox has a deeper and wider toolset. The ‘learning curve’ that gets brought up is because:

  • people want Tinderbox to work [some app] they know better(in which case it would be that app).
  • people think they need to use every tool in the toolbox.

Even as a long time user, documenter and tester of the app, having working knowledge about every tool in the toolbox is hard. Indeed, part of the goal of aTbRef is to let fellow users read about feature without having to use them_ and save potentially unnecessary investment in learning a feature they don’t need.

Learning is only ‘hard’ if we choose to label it so; our personal perception of ‘hard’ also differs. If the issue is comprehension, that’s different and something that can be addressed. Indeed, people who post here asking about how things work in Tinderbox usually get a fast replay and explanation.

It is harder to help people who are trying to talk about an app one doesn’t know and they do. All too often people ask “why isn’t Tinderbox like X” whilst assuming this community has any idea what X is. The most interesting questions and questioners are those who expose why and at what point in learning they get stuck. Not least, such questions often lead to improvements because they expose useful and actionable ideas.

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Seems the Roam is becoming a sort of disappointment for many. https://twitter.com/SparksZilla/status/1469002774650122242

For me, I felt the founder was arrogant and insensitive? When he locked us out who didn’t want to pay 15 USD. A free tier should be made available.

My perspective
In India, an audible membership is 2.5 USD compared to 15 USD in the US. I wanted PPP (purchasing power parity) pricing.

Also, he never bothered to answer a single tweet of mine.

Anyway water under the bridge!