About the initial eye-friendly display item in User Form

Hello, everybody !
Thanks to all of you for your kindness and support.
Occasionally, I feel something inconvenience in the opening scene from this Form.
I wish I could jump to [Tinderbox: The Tool For Notes] from
this Forum. Or jump to [http://www.eastgate.com].
Do not up for it?
How do you make size-up?
Hoping you all nod your head in agreement.
Thx and regards, WAKANATSU kunimitsu

FYI :include a guideline for reference png from Hook.app Forum.

I see 3 suggestions…

#1 (yellow). This already works. The Tinderbox icon at top left of the screen always takes you back to the forum’s main page. No further action needed.

#2 (blue/red). This needs editing of the forums ‘theme’ sheets. I don’t have access to these - I assume only @eastgate can modify these. If a link is added it would seem sensible that it pointed to the main Tinderbox page Tinderbox: The Tool For Notes

#3 (green). A ‘Releases’ sub-forum. I guess this is possible. New releases do get posted via I variety of channels though not here. As I normally update aTbRef at/soon after version launch I figure that should indicate a new version is out. If #2 (above) is implemented, the new version will be available for download there. Do we really need a whole new forum? I’m not totally convinced. What do others think?