Starting Tinderbox without opening files

TBX freezes when I open it. Is there a way to open it without automatically opening the last open file?

I’m pretty sure there is, but I’ve forgotten how.

Holding down the shift key as you open a Mac app ordinarily keeps it from reopening documents. Seems to work for Tinderbox in particular.

And we’d love a copy of the file that apparently freezes Tinderbox! Thanks.

ok, to whom do I send it? It’s pretty big. (and it didn’t hang TBX a few weeks ago when I opened it last)

Oddly, this works if the app icon is on the doc. But it does not work if I shift-click on the app in the Applications folder! Strange.

Send problem docs to . Zip them up (right-click in finder and compress) to save space. If still too big, Dropbox is easy, or email first and we’ll figure out a way.

Will do. One last question: is there a way to open a file with all agents and rules disabled? I would like to try to re-enable them one at a time to see if that’s where my problem is.

The problem might be in exporting documents, too.

No way to disable rules. You could disable automatic agent updates from the file menu, if you could open the file.