Timeline horizontal scale (not start/end date)

Is it possible to adjust the horizontal display scale in Timeline view?

To clarify: I’ve discovered $TimelineStart and $TimelineEnd and set them appropriately, so I’m not inquiring about setting the timescale; I’m asking if it’s possible to specify how many horizontal units — px or other display units — per day or per hour, or equivalently, how wide the entire timeline should be, visually.


If you are talking about the display, you can.

The scale of the time in contrast to the display (px), I don’t think that is possible.

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I’ll try to clarify further since I may not have been totally clear:

Right now, a week occupies about an inch of space horizontally, and I have maybe 10 or 15 notes per band per week. I would rather have a week occupy four or five inches horizontally.


As @Desalegn suggested – see Timeline Settings. There, change Width.


Ah, OK — thanks! The slider was already maxed out, so it looks like about an inch wide is the widest I can get a week to be. :frowning: I wonder if the max is tunable anywhere.

I suspect “wider” depends on the monitor’s screen resolution.