Trouble entering query code for agents

Hi, I’ve set up a bunch of agents - or a set of nested agents - and was about to enter the query code for them (e.g., $Prototype=="pImport" & $GroupsName.contains("Special Group Name") ) but I’m unable to enter anything in the Inspector’s Query window.

I’ve also noticed that some of my agents now have errors that read: “This agent has no query, or its query can’t be understood.”

What am I doing wrong and how to I fix it? Thanks!

:open_mouth: That shouldn’t be possible, but if you’ve somehow managed it no wonder Tinderbox is having problems. Agents should contain only the aliases of items matching their query.

I actually thought we did that with a pervious DB.

Would it be possible to convert an Agent into a Note – just so I can maintain the structure I’ve created, and then enter the query code into the agents?

Well, I de-nested the agents, and still have the same error. Also, I created a new agent last night, successful entered the query code example that I referenced above, and now that also produced the same error: “This agent has no query, or its query can’t be understood.”

I suggest you post your Tinderbox document so we can see just what you’ve done.

Well, thanks for that. I’ve made some changes and suddenly there aren’t any more errors. So, we’ll see. I’ll keep an eye on it and report back, if necessary. Thanks!