Unexpected message: "encoding error"

Trying to list books which I have just begun to read but yet not ended I created an agent with the query


The result shows the correct names of the books I expected but unexpectedly in one line it says “encoding error”. Does anybody know, what that means? How can I avoid it?


Could you explain what the “one line” is – where does it appear?

the heading is $ChildCount plus $Name
below there is al list of book-titles, the dash before is made with “space”+$titel

the last line shows the message: “encoding error”

Can you post the document? Or send it to support info@eastgate.com ?

I expect that this derives from something imported – perhaps dragged from a web page? – that was not in the text encoding it claimed to be using. For example, some web sites use the Windows character set but think they’re using Unicode UTF8; that fouls up “special characters” like typographic quotes but often leaves Western languages mostly legible.

Hi Marc, thanks for your supply. I have sent the document to info@eastgate.com. Hope that´ll help finding a solution or at least find my mistake.

Regards Helmut

It’s Tinderbox’s mistake – a bit of bad luck that will occur when a non-ascii character falls at just the wrong point in a string in a summary table.

This will be fixed in the next update; for a workaround, a slight increase in the agent’s $Width will typically resolve the problem.

Thanks. Increasing the width of the agent´s $width solves the problem indeed.

Very intensive and fast support. Incredible! Only very few come close to that.
