Will the meeting this weekend take place today or tomorrow?
The meeting is tomorrow, Sunday, 3/13.
Hi there, Mark B. will not be available. I for one still plan on attending.
I’ll keep you company. Remember everyone, DAYLIGHT SAVINGS was last night.
No daylight saving time in Europe yet… So what does that mean for the offset? (I never get that right )
“SUNDAY March 13, 2022 Noon Eastern Time (US and Canada)” or
“Noon Eastern Daylight Saving Time” - which will it be, @satikusala and @bmgphd ?
It is Eastern Daylight Savings Time, we moved forward 1 hour
Same in UK. More to the point, US and Europe (not sure about other areas) are currently always 1 week out of sync in terms of time.
Using Time in London, Berlin, Boston and San Francisco - Time.is it looks like if same time as usual in US, it is 1 hours _earlier than usual in UK/Europe:
Yoike, so for me only in a few minutes time. Will try to make it. Assuming normal Eastgate zoom URL of: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/8850659900?pwd=ZE9ROUs1czNiK2FTTStjTUJuVkIydz09
IOW, twice a year hilarity ensues in trans-Atlantic meetings as people are either an hour early or late.
Maybe it’s _two weeks each year as UK BST starts on 27th March. I’m not sure nature’s waiting, given all the new leaves and cacophony of birdsong outside.
Added chat log to main meet-up listing.