A `category` property for the Attribute class?

The osascript (AppleScript and JavaScript) interface to Tinderbox 8 is already excellent, and must have taken an enormous amount of work to develop and test.

If any further refinement of it were considered, a category property for the Attribute class would be my main request.

It would be very useful for scripts of various kinds to let the user pick one or more attributes from a named subset, as in the Inspector categorisation which we can use in the GUI:

a category property on attributes would make it very easy and fast to do this.


In the meanwhile, a JSON dictionary containing two sub-dictionaries:

  • Categories: Grouped lists of attributes, each keyed by the name of the category label used in the Tinderbox 8 inspector.
  • Attributes: Key-value pairs: attribute : category.

The former should be useful (particularly in JS scripts, though potentially also in AS) which need to put up menus of attribute categories, leading to shorter lists of attributes.

The latter should be useful for checking which category a given attribute belongs to.

The JSON below could either be directly embedded in a script, or read from a json file at run-time, and parsed with the standard JSON.parse() function.

  "Categories": {
    "AI": [
    "Agent": [
    "Appearance": [
    "Composites": [
    "Events": [
    "General": [
    "Grid": [
    "HTML": [
    "Iris": [
    "Map": [
    "Net": [
    "Outline": [
    "People": [
    "References": [
    "Sandbox": [
    "Scrivener": [
    "Sorting": [
    "Storyspace": [
    "TextFormat": [
    "Textual": [
    "Watch": [
    "Weblog": [
  "Attributes": {
    "Abstract": "References",
    "AccentColor": "Appearance",
    "AccessDate": "References",
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    "AdornmentCount": "General",
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    "AgentAction": "Agent",
    "AgentCaseSensitive": "Agent",
    "AgentPriority": "Agent",
    "AgentQuery": "Agent",
    "AIM": "People",
    "Aliases": "General",
    "ArticleTitle": "References",
    "Associates": "Composites",
    "Author2": "References",
    "Author3": "References",
    "Author4": "References",
    "Authors": "References",
    "AutoFetch": "Net",
    "AutoFetchCommand": "Net",
    "Badge": "Appearance",
    "BadgeMonochrome": "Appearance",
    "BadgeSize": "Appearance",
    "Base": "Map",
    "BeforeVisit": "Storyspace",
    "Bend": "Map",
    "BookTitle": "References",
    "Border": "Appearance",
    "BorderBevel": "Appearance",
    "BorderColor": "Appearance",
    "BorderDash": "Appearance",
    "CallNumber": "References",
    "Caption": "General",
    "CaptionAlignment": "Appearance",
    "CaptionColor": "Appearance",
    "CaptionFont": "Appearance",
    "CaptionOpacity": "Appearance",
    "CaptionSize": "Appearance",
    "Checked": "General",
    "ChildCount": "General",
    "ChosenWord": "Storyspace",
    "City": "People",
    "CleanupAction": "Agent",
    "ClusterTerms": "General",
    "Color": "Appearance",
    "Color2": "Appearance",
    "Container": "General",
    "Country": "People",
    "Created": "General",
    "Creator": "General",
    "Deck": "Storyspace",
    "DescendantCount": "General",
    "DEVONthinkGroup": "Watch",
    "DEVONthinkLabel": "Watch",
    "Direction": "Map",
    "DisplayExpression": "General",
    "DisplayExpressionDisabled": "General",
    "DisplayName": "General",
    "District": "People",
    "DOI": "References",
    "DueDate": "Events",
    "Edict": "General",
    "EdictDisabled": "General",
    "Edition": "References",
    "Email": "People",
    "EndDate": "Events",
    "EvernoteNotebook": "Watch",
    "File": "General",
    "Fill": "Map",
    "FillOpacity": "Map",
    "Flags": "Appearance",
    "FormattedAddress": "People",
    "FullName": "People",
    "GeocodedAddress": "People",
    "GridColor": "Grid",
    "GridColumns": "Grid",
    "GridLabelFont": "Grid",
    "GridLabels": "Grid",
    "GridLabelSize": "Grid",
    "GridOpacity": "Grid",
    "GridRows": "Grid",
    "Height": "Map",
    "HideKeyAttributes": "TextFormat",
    "HoverExpression": "General",
    "HoverFont": "Map",
    "HoverImage": "General",
    "HoverOpacity": "General",
    "HTMLBoldEnd": "HTML",
    "HTMLBoldStart": "HTML",
    "HTMLCloud1End": "HTML",
    "HTMLCloud1Start": "HTML",
    "HTMLCloud2End": "HTML",
    "HTMLCloud2Start": "HTML",
    "HTMLCloud3End": "HTML",
    "HTMLCloud3Start": "HTML",
    "HTMLCloud4End": "HTML",
    "HTMLCloud4Start": "HTML",
    "HTMLCloud5End": "HTML",
    "HTMLCloud5Start": "HTML",
    "HTMLDontExport": "HTML",
    "HTMLEntities": "HTML",
    "HTMLExportAfter": "HTML",
    "HTMLExportBefore": "HTML",
    "HTMLExportChildren": "HTML",
    "HTMLExportCommand": "HTML",
    "HTMLExportExtension": "HTML",
    "HTMLExportFileName": "HTML",
    "HTMLExportFileNameSpacer": "HTML",
    "HTMLExportPath": "HTML",
    "HTMLExportTemplate": "HTML",
    "HTMLFileNameLowerCase": "HTML",
    "HTMLFileNameMaxLength": "HTML",
    "HTMLFirstParagraphEnd": "HTML",
    "HTMLFirstParagraphStart": "HTML",
    "HTMLFont": "HTML",
    "HTMLFontSize": "HTML",
    "HTMLImageEnd": "HTML",
    "HTMLImageStart": "HTML",
    "HTMLIndentedParagraphEnd": "HTML",
    "HTMLIndentedParagraphStart": "HTML",
    "HTMLItalicEnd": "HTML",
    "HTMLItalicStart": "HTML",
    "HTMLLinkExtension": "HTML",
    "HTMLListEnd": "HTML",
    "HTMLListItemEnd": "HTML",
    "HTMLListItemStart": "HTML",
    "HTMLListStart": "HTML",
    "HTMLMarkDown": "HTML",
    "HTMLMarkupText": "HTML",
    "HTMLOrderedListEnd": "HTML",
    "HTMLOrderedListItemStart": "HTML",
    "HTMLOrderedListStart": "HTML",
    "HTMLOrderedsListItemEnd": "HTML",
    "HTMLOverwriteImages": "HTML",
    "HTMLParagraphEnd": "HTML",
    "HTMLParagraphStart": "HTML",
    "HTMLPreviewCommand": "HTML",
    "HTMLQuoteHTML": "HTML",
    "HTMLStrikeEnd": "HTML",
    "HTMLStrikeStart": "HTML",
    "HTMLUnderlineEnd": "HTML",
    "HTMLUnderlineStart": "HTML",
    "ID": "General",
    "ImageCount": "Textual",
    "InboundLinkCount": "General",
    "InteriorScale": "Map",
    "IrisAngle": "Iris",
    "IrisRadius": "Iris",
    "IsAdornment": "General",
    "IsAlias": "General",
    "ISBN": "References",
    "IsComposite": "Composites",
    "IsMultiple": "Composites",
    "IsPrototype": "General",
    "Issue": "References",
    "IsTemplate": "HTML",
    "Journal": "References",
    "KeyAttributeDateFormat": "TextFormat",
    "KeyAttributeFont": "TextFormat",
    "KeyAttributeFontSize": "TextFormat",
    "KeyAttributes": "TextFormat",
    "LastFetched": "Net",
    "Latitude": "People",
    "LeafBase": "Map",
    "LeafBend": "Map",
    "LeafDirection": "Map",
    "LeafTip": "Map",
    "LeftMargin": "TextFormat",
    "LineSpacing": "TextFormat",
    "Lock": "Map",
    "Longitude": "People",
    "MapBackgroundAccentColor": "Map",
    "MapBackgroundColor": "Map",
    "MapBackgroundColor2": "Map",
    "MapBackgroundFill": "Map",
    "MapBackgroundFillOpacity": "Map",
    "MapBackgroundPattern": "Map",
    "MapBackgroundShadow": "Map",
    "MapBodyTextColor": "Map",
    "MapBodyTextSize": "Map",
    "MapScrollX": "Map",
    "MapScrollY": "Map",
    "MapTextSize": "Map",
    "Modified": "General",
    "mt_allow_comments": "Weblog",
    "mt_allow_pings": "Weblog",
    "mt_convert_breaks": "Weblog",
    "mt_keywords": "Weblog",
    "MyBoolean": "Sandbox",
    "MyColor": "Sandbox",
    "MyDate": "Sandbox",
    "MyInterval": "Sandbox",
    "MyList": "Sandbox",
    "MyNumber": "Sandbox",
    "MySet": "Sandbox",
    "MyString": "Sandbox",
    "Name": "General",
    "NameAlignment": "Map",
    "NameBold": "Map",
    "NameColor": "Map",
    "NameFont": "Map",
    "NameLeading": "Map",
    "NameStrike": "Map",
    "NeverComposite": "Composites",
    "NLNames": "AI",
    "NLOrganizations": "AI",
    "NLPlaces": "AI",
    "NoSpelling": "TextFormat",
    "NotesFolder": "Watch",
    "NotesID": "Watch",
    "NotesModified": "Watch",
    "NoteURL": "Net",
    "OnAdd": "General",
    "OnJoin": "Composites",
    "OnRemove": "General",
    "OnVisit": "Storyspace",
    "Opacity": "Appearance",
    "Organization": "People",
    "OutboundLinkCount": "General",
    "OutlineBackgroundColor": "Outline",
    "OutlineColorSwatch": "Outline",
    "OutlineDepth": "General",
    "OutlineOrder": "General",
    "OutlineTextSize": "Outline",
    "Pages": "References",
    "ParagraphSpacing": "TextFormat",
    "Path": "General",
    "Pattern": "Appearance",
    "PlainLinkCount": "General",
    "PlotBackgroundColor": "Map",
    "PlotBackgroundOpacity": "Map",
    "PlotColor": "Appearance",
    "PlotColorList": "Map",
    "PostalCode": "People",
    "Private": "General",
    "Prototype": "General",
    "PrototypeBequeathsChildren": "General",
    "PrototypeHighlightColor": "Outline",
    "PublicationCity": "References",
    "PublicationYear": "References",
    "Publisher": "References",
    "RawData": "Net",
    "ReadCount": "General",
    "ReadOnly": "Textual",
    "ReferenceRIS": "References",
    "ReferenceTitle": "References",
    "ReferenceURL": "References",
    "RefFormat": "References",
    "RefKeywords": "References",
    "RefType": "References",
    "Requirements": "Storyspace",
    "ResetAction": "Storyspace",
    "RightMargin": "TextFormat",
    "Role": "Composites",
    "RSSChannelTemplate": "Net",
    "RSSItemLimit": "Net",
    "RSSItemTemplate": "Net",
    "Rule": "General",
    "RuleDisabled": "General",
    "ScrivenerID": "Scrivener",
    "ScrivenerKeywords": "Scrivener",
    "ScrivenerLabel": "Scrivener",
    "ScrivenerLabelID": "Scrivener",
    "ScrivenerNote": "Scrivener",
    "ScrivenerStatus": "Scrivener",
    "ScrivenerStatusID": "Scrivener",
    "ScrivenerType": "Scrivener",
    "Searchable": "General",
    "SelectionCount": "General",
    "Separator": "Outline",
    "Shadow": "Appearance",
    "ShadowBlur": "Appearance",
    "ShadowColor": "Appearance",
    "ShadowDistance": "Appearance",
    "Shape": "Appearance",
    "ShowTitle": "TextFormat",
    "SiblingOrder": "General",
    "SimplenoteKey": "Watch",
    "SimplenoteModified": "Watch",
    "SimplenoteSync": "Watch",
    "SimplenoteTags": "Watch",
    "SimplenoteVersion": "Watch",
    "SmartQuotes": "TextFormat",
    "Sort": "Sorting",
    "SortAlso": "Sorting",
    "SortAlsoTransform": "Sorting",
    "SortBackward": "Sorting",
    "SortBackwardAlso": "Sorting",
    "SortTransform": "Sorting",
    "SourceCreated": "References",
    "SourceModified": "References",
    "SourceURL": "Watch",
    "StartDate": "Events",
    "State": "People",
    "Sticky": "Map",
    "Subtitle": "General",
    "SubtitleColor": "Map",
    "SubtitleOpacity": "Map",
    "SubtitleSize": "Map",
    "TableExpression": "Map",
    "TableHeading": "Map",
    "Tabs": "TextFormat",
    "Tags": "References",
    "Telephone": "People",
    "Text": "Textual",
    "TextAlign": "TextFormat",
    "TextBackgroundColor": "TextFormat",
    "TextColor": "TextFormat",
    "TextExportTemplate": "Textual",
    "TextFont": "TextFormat",
    "TextFontSize": "TextFormat",
    "TextLength": "Textual",
    "TextLinkCount": "General",
    "TextPaneRatio": "TextFormat",
    "TextPaneWidth": "TextFormat",
    "TextSidebar": "TextFormat",
    "TextWindowHeight": "TextFormat",
    "TextWindowWidth": "TextFormat",
    "TimelineAliases": "Events",
    "TimelineBand": "Events",
    "TimelineBandLabelColor": "Events",
    "TimelineBandLabelOpacity": "Events",
    "TimelineBandLabels": "Events",
    "TimelineColor": "Events",
    "TimelineDescendants": "Events",
    "TimelineEnd": "Events",
    "TimelineEndAttribute": "Events",
    "TimelineGridColor": "Events",
    "TimelineMarker": "Events",
    "TimelineScaleColor": "Events",
    "TimelineScaleColor2": "Events",
    "TimelineStart": "Events",
    "TimelineStartAttribute": "Events",
    "Tip": "Map",
    "TitleBackgroundColor": "TextFormat",
    "TitleFont": "TextFormat",
    "TitleForegroundColor": "TextFormat",
    "TitleHeight": "Map",
    "TitleOpacity": "Map",
    "Twitter": "People",
    "URL": "Net",
    "User": "General",
    "UUID": "Watch",
    "ViewInBrowser": "Net",
    "Visits": "Storyspace",
    "Volume": "References",
    "WatchFolder": "Watch",
    "WebLinkCount": "General",
    "WeblogPostID": "Weblog",
    "Width": "Map",
    "WordCount": "Textual",
    "Xpos": "Map",
    "Ypos": "Map"

Both dictionaries in the JSON listed in the preceding post are generated by the following script, which takes c. 3 seconds to check (against an automatically generated fresh new document) there there are no missing system attributes or unrecognised attribute names, before placing the the full JSON () in the clipboard.

(() => {
    'use strict';


    // Rob Trew 2019
    // Ver 0.01

    // For Tinderbox 8 (osascript) JavaScript for for Automation

    // Generate and validate a JSON array containing two dictionaries
    // - Attribute lists keyed by their categories
    // - Attribute : Category key-value pairs

    // If the JSON checks against a freshly generated empty document
    // (No missing system attributes, no unrecognised attribute names)
    // then the JSON is copied to the clipboard.

    // If gaps or oddities are found, nothing is copied, but lists of
    // missing and/or unrecognised attribute names are printed to console.

    // main :: IO ()
    const main = () => {

        // Main dictionary.
        // The second (attribute:category) is automatically generated
        // from this one.

        // Both will be checked against an automatically created new
        // Tinderbox 8 document before any JSON is copied to the clipboard.

        // Attribute lists keyed by category names:
        const dctGroups = {
            'AI': [
            'Agent': [
            'Appearance': [
            'Composites': [
            'Events': [
            'General': [
            'Grid': [
            'HTML': [
            'Iris': [
            'Map': [
            'Net': [
            'Outline': [
            'People': [
            'References': [
            'Sandbox': [
            'Scrivener': [
            'Sorting': [
            'Storyspace': [
            'TextFormat': [
            'Textual': [
            'Watch': [
            'Weblog': [

        return either(
            x => 'Missing attributes, or unrecognised attribute names.',
            x => {
                const strJSON = JSON.stringify({
                        Categories: dctGroups,
                        Attributes: sortedDict(x)
                    null, 2
                return (

    // TINDERBOX ------------------------------------------

    // noMissingAttributesLR :: Dict {String :: [String]} ->
    //          Either [String] Dict {String :: String}
    const noMissingAttributesLR = dctGroups => {
            tbx = Application('Tinderbox 8'),
            ds = tbx.documents,
            // new doc object constructed, not yet added.
            doc = tbx.Document(),
            dctAttrs = leafDictFromListsDict(dctGroups)
        return (
            ds.push(doc), // Added to top of document collection.
                0 < tbx.documents.length ? (
                ) : Left('No new document open in Tinderbox 8'),
                d => {
                    const gaps = filter(
                        k => !Boolean(dctAttrs[k]),
                    return (
                        showLog('Missing attributes: ', gaps),
                        0 < length.gaps ? Left(
                            'Missing System attributes: ' +
                        ) : Right(dctAttrs)

    // noSurplusAttributesLR :: Dict {String :: [String]} ->
    //          Either String [String]
    const noSurplusAttributesLR = dctAttrs => {
            tbx = Application('Tinderbox 8'),
            ds = tbx.documents,
            // new doc object constructed, not yet added.
            doc = tbx.Document();
        return (
            ds.push(doc), // Added to top of document collection.
                0 < tbx.documents.length ? (
                ) : Left('No new document open in Tinderbox 8'),
                d => {
                        attribs = d.attributes,
                        unknowns = filter(
                            k => !attribs.byName(k).exists(),
                    return (
                        showLog('Unknown attribute names: ', unknowns),
                        0 < unknowns.length ? Left(
                            'Unknown attributes: ' +
                        ) : Right(dctAttrs)

    // JXA ------------------------------------------------

    // String copied to general pasteboard
    // copyText :: String -> IO Bool
    const copyText = s => {
        const pb = $.NSPasteboard.generalPasteboard;
        return (

    // JS BASICS ------------------------------------------

    // leafDictFromListsDict :: Dict -> Dict
    const leafDictFromListsDict = dctLists =>
        // Dictionary of list names mutiply keyed by each of
        // their members,
        // derived from a dictionary of lists keyed by list names.
            (a, k) => Object.assign(
                    (b, s) => Object.assign(
                        b, {
                            [s]: k
                    ), {},
            ), {},

    // sortedDict :: Dict -> Dict
    const sortedDict = dct =>
        // Dictionary with keys in lexical sort order.
            (a, k) => Object.assign(
                a, {
                    [k]: dct[k]
            ), {},
            sortBy(comparing(toUpper), keys(dct))

    // GENERIC FUNCTIONS ----------------------------------
    // https://github.com/RobTrew/prelude-jxa

    // Left :: a -> Either a b
    const Left = x => ({
        type: 'Either',
        Left: x

    // Right :: b -> Either a b
    const Right = x => ({
        type: 'Either',
        Right: x

    // bindLR (>>=) :: Either a -> (a -> Either b) -> Either b
    const bindLR = (m, mf) =>
        undefined !== m.Left ? (
        ) : mf(m.Right);

    // comparing :: (a -> b) -> (a -> a -> Ordering)
    const comparing = f =>
        (x, y) => {
                a = f(x),
                b = f(y);
            return a < b ? -1 : (a > b ? 1 : 0);

    // either :: (a -> c) -> (b -> c) -> Either a b -> c
    const either = (fl, fr, e) =>
        'Either' === e.type ? (
            undefined !== e.Left ? (
            ) : fr(e.Right)
        ) : undefined;

    // filter :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a]
    const filter = (f, xs) => xs.filter(f);

    // foldl :: (a -> b -> a) -> a -> [b] -> a
    const foldl = (f, a, xs) => xs.reduce(f, a);

    // keys :: Dict -> [String]
    const keys = Object.keys;

    // Returns Infinity over objects without finite length.
    // This enables zip and zipWith to choose the shorter
    // argument when one is non-finite, like cycle, repeat etc

    // length :: [a] -> Int
    const length = xs =>
        (Array.isArray(xs) || 'string' === typeof xs) ? (
        ) : Infinity;

    // showLog :: a -> IO ()
    const showLog = (...args) =>
            .join(' -> ')

    // sortBy :: (a -> a -> Ordering) -> [a] -> [a]
    const sortBy = (f, xs) =>

    // toUpper :: String -> String
    const toUpper = s => s.toLocaleUpperCase();

    // unwords :: [String] -> String
    const unwords = xs => xs.join(' ');

    // MAIN ---
    return main();