A timeline of Tinderbox

Note: this post is not a Tinderbox demo, but about Tinderbox!

This (file link below) is sadly only for those with Aeon Timeline v3 (or willing to install it as a demo) but the file gives you a timeline like so:

The file lists all the Tinderbox version releases. Where available items have a weblink to the Eastgate release page for that release. Items in red are releases on which an aTbRef baseline is set (the first was for v2.4.0), and have an additional weblink to that aTbRef version. The various app icons are also included.

Major and minor versions are collapsible, if using the app, so you can collapse all of v8.x or just v8.2.x, etc. This can help when trying to get and overview. Here, v8.1.x is expanded but v8.2.x is collapsed:

To view per-item info open the Inspector (‘i’ icon, top right) and the Inspector panel opens at the right margin.

The Inspector has several sub-tabs of which the most useful are Summary and Date:

Tinderbox-versions.aeon 2024-05-15 10-29-46

Here is the file (Dropbox d/l link): Tinderbox-versions.aeon


†. Sadly, Going from Aeon Timeline v2 to v3 they dropped web export completely and now expect files to be shared for viewing using the AT app as a viewer. IOW, install but don’t licence the app. Not ideal, but the option’s there. FWIW, I keep AT installed but have stopped updating my v3 licence until there is meaningful export. Unseen, I’d put a lot of effort in beta-testing AT 2 & 3 for data import/export: trust now lost. Sad, as AT2 had a sweet web timeline export. All wasted effort now.


Very nice, and obviously a lot of work. Thank you for presenting this @mwra .

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Dear Dr. Mark Anderson,
I read this post with great interest.
I have never used AeonTimeline.
If you read the webpage, in Aeon Timeline 3
It was written that PDF export is possible in the same way as ver.2.
Therefore, I have a far-fetched suggestion: convert PDF to HTML.
Is it not possible to convert using an app called pdf2htmlEX that enables conversion?
The reference is

Previously, I tried using this pdf2htmlEX, and the ``html’’ page was surprisingly beautiful.
I was able to create it. The Japanese notation was also converted without any problems.
Yours, WAKAMATSU (from Japan)

Sadly, whilst Aeon Timeline v3 has the ability to print (export) it seems unable to cope with a timeline if this size. Trying this option the app’s export process just hangs and shows a busy cursor (and I left it for some time before closing the dialog.

If export were possible to extract a clean PDF from Aeon Timeline v3 then it might be possible to make some HTML though I suspect such a process can’t extract the nesting. It might be possible without the nesting, but that means starting over at the Aeon Timeline end in terms of designing the document.

In summary, the problem is with Aeon Timeline and export rather than getting unfo from a PDF. But thanks for this useful suggestion. :slight_smile:

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