Add Support for A Few Markup Codes in Title

For those of us that take notes by entering text in the note Title (not the note body Text) allowing some ability to emphasize quickly a word or phrase in the note title, please support a few Markup codes:

  • Open and close double asterisk (**) to bold a word or phrase
  • Open and close single asterisk (*) to italicize a word or phrase
  • Open single angle bracket (<) and close single angle bracket (>) to create a simple URL link, like this

Once the writer exits edit mode, the system hides the codes and applies the emphasis to the displayed text.

Example, when in edit mode enter:

  • Speaker noted the importance of **good faith actors** in maintaining a healthy democracy

Which would render as:

  • Speaker noted the importance of good faith actors in maintaining a healthy democracy

The system would redisplay the Markup code when the Title is in edit mode.

Steve, your post stimulated a lot of discussion in today meetup, thanks!