aTbRef site refresh - outdated terms

Kudos to @PaulWalters for spotting this…

Thanks to this user report, I’ve now found loads of outdated references to ‘main view’, a term no longer meaningful since the v5/v6 re-code of the Tinderbox app. These errors are now fixed. No other significant changes made but as the necessary $Name/$Text edits changed some note titles, and thus HTML page names, I’ve re-uploaded the whole site (including the ZIPs, etc.).

Happily not a major glitch in this case as essentially ‘main view’ now means ‘view pane view’ but for those who aren’t long-term Tinderbox users, out of date terminology doesn’t help the learner.

This shows the value of reporting things that just look wrong/out of date as these now-fixed errors are c.9 years old. I’d rather get false positive reports than leave errors out there because they’ve been overlooked (the TBX content here started in 2004!).

My apologies and thanks again to Paul.

(Thanks to regular aTbRef error finder/reporters: they know who they are, and aTbRef is the better for their kind reports)