Back button? return to original note

Wow! I’m reluctant to admit that I’ve never effectively used links in TBX. With the new quick link feature, I’m creating lots of links within notes. Is there a quick way to return to where you were before you clicked on the link, i.e. a back button? The only way that I know how to get back is to use the roadmap or browse links. It works just fine, but I’m wondering if there is something faster.

To illustrate with a picture, if I follow the link to the 2nd note, what is the fastest way to get back to the original note?

You can select Note -> Go Back, which is intended to take you back to the previous note. (I’ve bound this to a keyboard shortcut of ⌃O, similar to the standard Vim binding.) In my experience it also often takes you to some random note that I don’t recall having selected recently, though I haven’t been able to pinpoint when it works and when it doesn’t. In any case, often a few repetitions of “Go Back” will take me back to where I was. Not great, but it seems to work most of the time.


⌘-’ acts like a back button.

Depending on what you are doing as you make the links, you might also consider changing the link creation behaviour in Edit–>Document Settings…

You can decide whether you move to the link target after creating a link or staying where you are.