@tinderlove, during last week’s meetup, asked for a session on Pandoc. To comply with this request, I thought we could use my August 2023 Becker’s TBX Patreon session (Friday, Aug. 18th, 6:30 AM PST) to cover this. I’ll walk through Pandoc, discuss the setup, and point out different considerations I’ve encountered. We can also go over the recent post by @dtubb, TB2Word (Export from Tinderbox via Markdown and pandoc to Word with citations and footnotes!).
Live participation in my monthly Patreon sessions is typically closed; they are reserved for my “All Access” patrons, i.e., people who are donating at the All Access level to support my efforts in building out and supporting Tinderbox experiences, education and the community. Patrons at lower tiers get access to the discussions a month or so later. You can learn about my Patreon channel here†.
If you’d like to join this month’s session, DM me and all send you the meeting Zoom details.
†. BTW, please consider donating to Mark Anderson and support his aTbRef efforts. Mark has set up a PayPal channel (paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=KEG8GHSSD47BC) to receive donations for his work on aTbRef and the community. I’ve set up a monthly contribution for him. As an aside, I regularly share parts of my Patreon proceeds with him—typically via an Amazon UK gift card—whenever he helps me/us with a big part of what we go over. I thank you for your support of Mark.