Bookends Deep_Links

Dear All,

I just re-discovered the bookends note / annotation backup function and was delighted that you can choose to have a deep link exported to the note snippets. However, it is a formatted link and when copy-pasting it into tinderbox the underlying link disappears and only the title “deep link” remains without the functionality. I can copy-paste it into other applications the functionality remains.

Any chance one can convince TB to keep the function?



I’m on the road (conference in Mexico City), so there may be a small delay. If you could pull together a small example of a deep link of the sort you mean, and perhaps a pointer to the documentation, it might save a little time when I return.

Hi and sorry for the late reply.

Here is a screenshot:

I hope you can see the little window inside when howering over the blue “hyperlink”. Sometimes, the link is retained when I copy the note from bookend’s output into a formatted note in devonthink and then copy on to TB. I thought this solved the issue but ultimately, when exploding such notes with numerous entries the hyperlinks disappear again in the exploded child notes.

Cheers for looking into it.
BW, J.

This is a Bookends issue; JDA expects to address it in the next release.

Thanks for clarifying! Hope you have a good conference / time in Mexico City.