However, it is possible with AppleScript:
Adding new links with per-link-type properties are done like so:
tell application "Tinderbox 9"
tell front document
make new linkType with properties {name:"tester1", color:"green", dotted:true, action:"$Color(destination)=\"bright blue\";"}
make new linkType with properties {name:"tester2", color:"blue", arrow:1, bold:true, action:"$Color(destination)=\"bright red\";"}
make new linkType with properties {name:"tester3", bold:true}
make new linkType with properties {name:"tester4", color:"red", arrow:1, dashed:true, action:"$Color(destination)=\"bright red\";"}
make new linkType with properties {name:"tester5"}
make new linkType with properties {name:"tester6", color:"green", arrow:1, bold:true, dotted:true, dashed:true, action:"$Color(destination)=\"bright red\";"}
end tell
end tell
Note the need to escape double-quotes used in a link action. If you’ve long/complex action code for a link type I’d suggest adding that via the Inspector after the link type is created: less scope for some odd quote-related confusion.
If you just wantyto create a number of default-spec link types, try this:
set linkTypeList to {"try1", "try2", "try3", "try4", "try5", "try6"}
tell application "Tinderbox 9"
tell front document
repeat with theItem in linkTypeList
make new linkType with properties {name:theItem}
end repeat
end tell
end tell
Note, I’m not sure the ‘broad’ property works correctly in v9.5.2 (I’ve already reported this to support).