Cannot register tinderbox?

I am trying to use tinderbox on a laptop but cannot seem to be able to register it.

If I go to Preferences > Register Tinderbox I get the dialog box for registration, but if I enter the registration code and press the ‘register’ button on the top right, nothing happens.

I’m not quite sure what to do.

thanks, Frederick

I assume you are using a dialog looking akin to this.

The ‘button’ is not a button but a tab icon. confusing though as this dialog only has one tab and that is ‘Register’.

If you (correctly) fill out the Name/Org/code boxes and press Return, the bottom right corner of the dialog should show a green tick (all good) or a red X (a problem). I believe all 3 inputs are case-sensitive. The correct case should be shown in the email sent to you after purchasing a licence (update).

If still having issues, please contact Eastgate direct at, as you may need to discuss licence details that should not be passed in a public forum.

The common problems are:

  1. Name doesn’t match the name used to order. Missing or added middle names or initials are common; so are nicknames. Checking typically resolves these.

  2. Names in Chinese, some very occasionally names in Cyrillic languages, can cause trouble. Check with; it’s easy to resolve.

  3. Sometimes there’s nothing wrong! If the big checkmark in the lower right-hand corner is green, you’re good.

  4. Double-check that you’re looking at this year’s registration code, and not last year’s.

Thank you very much. I was using an older license code. Problem solved.

what is odd is that the checkmark was neither red nor green. I guess grey means older code.

thanks again!

thanks, Frederick

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Interesting. Hard for users to test. Maybe a recent release changed the good/bad colours? If there is a definitive answer I’ll update aTbRef. :slight_smile:

The checkmark is grey if it’s not valid for this version of Tinderbox, and green if it’s registered.

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Can we unpack what that means? As the code is not OS-dependent, I’d assume not valid covers:

  • App version installed is not valid for underlying OS.
  • App version needs newer OS for some features.
  • Code is over 12 months out of date (IOW, essentially expired)
  • … something else?

Not valid:

  • Registration code is mistyped
  • Registration code is too old
  • Registration code doesn’t match name
  • Tinderbox thinks (usually incorrectly) that your name can’t be a name

If Tinderbox cannot run on your version of macOS, it won’t launch.

If your version of macOS is old, Tinderbox may skip some facilities, or use older or slower versions of those facilities. This is not a big concern at the moment.

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Most useful, thanks. I’ll add that to my docs for future reference.

I have updated the article Registering Tinderbox for the first time and The Tinderbox Licence (the latter updated for references to Markdown licences).