Content of attribute changed after upgrade from 9 to 10

I discovered a small change when I recently upgraded from Tinderbox 9 to 10.

For one project I used the Tags attribute to store an icon to visually indicate the context

Okay: SiblingOrder 22 = Delay = Hourglass
Changed: SiblingOrder 21 = Wisdom = was only “School”

After I upgraded from 9 to 10, the content of some tags changed.

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I believe that something more complex is going on here.

One possibility is that actions for handling quoted emoji and lists with emoji are parsed more reliably in Tinderbox 10. These sometimes simply failed in Tinderbox 9; perhaps in the case of Wisdom, in Tinderbox 9 an action failed and then didn’t assign additional tags?

I don’t have an action for this attribute. I added the (individual) icons manually as a visual note. It worked fine… until I upgraded to version 10. When I open a saved file, it looks the same. The content of the tags is changed.

Just verified …

  1. Opened a saved file in TBX 9 ==> okay
  2. Opened the same file in TBX 10
    ==> same Wisdom example above

Is this a file you could share privately with @eastgate? I’ve created a new file in v9, added notes with the hourglass and school emojis, :hourglass: and :school: respectively. Save, then opened the file in v10. I see no changes. Maybe there is something else going on in the XML that Eastgate could decipher.

Nice idea. :slight_smile: I may steal this.

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