Suppose I have a note I wrote in Markdown with many sub-headings
Here is the structure… more or less
blah blah blah
blah blah blah
you get the drift
What I want: Is at the top of the note create a ToC for the note with links to each ## Subheading below
I have to be honest, I do not know how to do this in Tinderbox within the same note? I know I can use explode and create more atomic notes, but that is not what I want to do yet.
The Output I am looking for
Table of Contents
Sub-Heading1 (linked)
Sub-Heading2 (linked)
Sub-Heading3 (linked)
The standard MultiMarkdown way of doing this is with the code {{TOC}}.
Put that at the top of the notes, and then you’ll see the TOC with links in the Export Preview pane. (Obviously, you’ll need to have $HTMLPreviewCommand set to MultiMarkdown.)
Obviously, it doesn’t work within the text of the note itself in Tinderbox, so you can’t use it for direct navigation in the raw text of the note, but it does work with Marked in streaming preview mode, for example.
Exploding and making a container is the best approach as I develop my sense-making, As I develop my thinking and decide which notes I want to develop… this is exactly what I do.
For scanning…
I was just looking for a quick way to view my sub-headings as an overview in my longer notes. Using {{TOC}} is quick and easy and leverages the work I previously have done with Sub-Headings with no effort. I use preview to get a quick high level overview