I remember @JFallows was frustrated by DevonThink sync configuration before. Seems they just released update that allows for iCloud sync and is more straightforward to configure.
iCloud synchronization is the one-button solution our customers were looking for. Add the iCloud sync location in DEVONthink’s sync settings on all your devices, and check the databases you want to have synchronized. That’s it. No user name, password, or cryptic server address. It really can’t be easier
This means syncing material on the Mac between Tinderbox and DevonThink also means easy access on iOS.
When syncing via iCloud it’s a good idea to remember that basic iCloud account storage limits are low (a few GB) and many folks have very large DEVONthink databases. So head over to the iCloud preference pane in System Preferences and check your use levels before initiating iCloud sync in DEVONthink. Monthly fees for iCloud storage are competitive, so add more storage if you are going to sync large databases and you don’t have much headroom in your iCloud account.
You can look at the usage of individual apps – including DEVONthink – by clicking the “Manage” button in the iCloud preference pane to see what apps are using your storage. If you do not need your indexed documents on your iDevice, then turn off “Synchronize content of indexed documents” in DEVONthink Sync Preferences.