The highlight color Medium uses appears to be #92F2FF, otherwise known as “light shade cyan” or “sky blue.” I’ve tried the highlights operators, e.g., $MyList=$Text.highlights(“#92F2FF”), or $MyList=$Text.highlights(“light shade cyan”), $MyList=$Text.highlights(“cyan”), etc. All this does is treat every line of text list an item for the list, it does not extract only the highlights. The highlighter operator is working fine; it picks up yellow and other TBX-known colors. Here is my question: is there a way I can have TBX capture the #92F2FF colored highlights?
Another use case is asking Tinderbox to recognize Markdown highlighting … e.g., text phrases delimited by “==.”
I have imported that text into a $Text attribute, and created a Highlighter that uses
$MyString = $Text.replace(/.==([^=]+)==./, “\1”); All good.
But when I try to use $MyList=$Text.highlights(“yellow”); to build a list of all highlighted phrases, I get nothing. If I use the menu option Format->Style->Highlight->yellow, it works.
Any way I can get Tinderbox to recognize $Text phrases delineated by “==”?