Geographical Map as Adornment

Problems with Adornment and GeoMaps, the adornment note will not fill. Using Get Info ->Map shows the map (in the Get Info pane) but nothing is presented in the note itself.

Yes, there seem to be an issue. It is documented that an adornment should show a map as its fill if:

  • $Latitude is non-zero
  • $Longitude is non-zero
  • $Range is sufficiently large [by me: certainly > zero]

Testing with these conditions met, I get no map. adding $Address for the adornment’s Lat/Long results in Get Info/map showing a correct location. Here is the result (in v9.0.0b523 on macOS 10.14.6):

Test file: Geo-adornment-test.tbx (81.8 KB)

So something is amiss. Pinging @eastgate.

Geographical adornments are disabled in Tinderbox 9; an undocumented issue with the Apple API makes the current implementation unreasonably expensive by generating numerous threads. These will return.

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aTbRef page on Geographic Adornments now updated to reflect abeyance in v9.

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