How do you use Tinderbox to takes notes in lectures and process textbooks?

At the moment what I’m doing is capture everything in Evernote or my iPad (with Freeform) and then if necessary analyze things with tinderbox.

I’m studying some regulations and laws and I have Evernote side by side with Zoom.

As I start to review my notes inside Evernote I feel compelled to throw some things in tinderbox to get a more visual perspective of the information and try to see how it relates to each other. It’s important because I see tinderbox as a big canvas on a desk that allows me to move bits of information and make sense out of it.

That’s what has been working for me now at least. Tinderbox and Evernote :slight_smile:

If I may, I’d encourage you to switch to Obsidian over Evernote for rapid fire note collection (you can use Tinderbox for this too, but I find Obsidian to be a bit more efficient for in my early collection workflow as it also has a mobile app). I then use watch folders and other strategies to bring relevant notes over into Tinderbox. In fact, I often have both Obsidian and Tinderbox open and will work on the files simultaneously.

If you’d like, please join our meetup tomorrow and we can make your question one of our primary topics to discuss.


This is the way to do it. And Drafts.

I also use Numbers, Pages, Microsoft Word. Pdfs, and more. Information percolates into my Tinderbox projects one way or the other.

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I could never get Obsidian to stick for me but I do want to change Evernote, in fact a couple of days ago I started exporting things to Devonthink which I plan to complement with an external editor like iA Writer. I think the workflow can be similar to what yo do with Obsidian right? iA Writer just creates a folder and saves everything in plain text or markdown.

Regarding the meetup I’ll save the date for the next date, I had to be on the road almost all day and wasn’t at home to arrive on time. I appreciate the invite.

For me the key reason to use Obsidian and Drafts in conjunction with Tinderbox is the convenience of transferring data entered on my mobile quickly to Tbx.

If you are seeking a mobile ingesting solution and Obsidian is not to your liking, you might also look at Apple Notes. Recent improvements have made it quite an effective note-keeper, and you can get your content (or a selection thereof) easily into Tinderbox via Watch Folders.

If you are desktop-centric and output is your concern, I would lean toward the techniques @satikusala and others are investing their time and efforts into; i point to today’s meetup as example.

Alternatively you could use Tinderbox as a storehouse and processing zone for ideas, and port out finished work into a DevonThink repo.


Hi there, can you elaborate more on sending finished work from Tinderbox to Devonthink? I use both, but never have used both apps in the same workflow.

I don’t do this personally; there are others on the group who use DT extensively and one of them could perhaps weigh in.

However, 2 methods I can think of are:

  • export using Pandoc or other method to a pdf or word document, then store in DT
  • you can directly link to Tbx documents within DT, clicking will open the doc in Tbx.
  • the above methods should also work for htnl archives, but am not certain how solid it is.
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While I store a lot of Tinderbox documents in DEVONthink, I never export from Tinderbox to DEVONthink. For me, the reason is that my Tinderbox files always make use of many different views in a unified fashion. No export could convey that. The Tinderbox file is in DEVONthink because it sits alongside related documents.

(There’s a preview viewable in DEVONthink of the last-used tab in a Tinderbox document, nice, but not much more informative than the cover of a book.)


Could you please give some details about using Drafts with Tinderbox?
Capturing notes on the go and exporting them in Tbx is still problem for me.

Sorry for the late response. There are several posts on the forum regarding Drafts>Tinderbox, including a video posted by @satikusala -, as well as some highly effective AppleScripts written and kindly shared by @sumnerg, @webline, and others, which can readily be tweaked to your personal use case. Remember also that you can use Apple Noted along with Watch Folders to achieve similar results.

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