How to print html preview

I have an outline. The Preview view shows that outline formatted as I like. I used to be able to right click on the preview and get a “print” option, which would print what I see. That doesn’t seem to be there in TB 8.0.2.

How do I print what I see in the Preview section?

That’s odd! We’ll investigate the missing menu.

Temporary workaround: select the text, copy, and paste it into the text of a new. Print that note.

Hmmm, seems to be working OK over here in 8.0.2 (The underlying text in the image is HTML.)

I’m also using 8.0.2. It’s not working here!

Could you post a non-working .tbx sample here?

Here’s my example, from above.

Coffee with Bob.tbx (96.0 KB)