How to write the Boolean values "true" and "false"?


a brief question, more for confirmation since this seems to be the solution to a problem I’ve been grappling and puzzling with for a number of hours:

Is it correct that the Boolean values in Tinderbox have to be written as “true” and “false” - and that writing “TRUE”, “True”, “FALSE” or “False” is wrong and will not lead to the results one would expect?

I thought it did not matter, but apparently that was false :wink:

Thanks for confirmation - and additional karma if someone were to point me to the authoritative source for that information!

The keywords true and false are canonical.

FALSE and False are true, because any string other than “” is true.

0 is false, and all other numbers are true.

The date ‘never’ is false; all other dates are true.

The empty list and the empty set are false; all other lists and sets are true.

The answer is above and is documented. The question then is where, and how to find it. Where where you looking, or for what, and didn’t find he answer?

For instance, the basic case in aTbRef here, on the page describing the Boolean data type. There’s no hidden critique in the question—I’m asking only so I can ensure info is easily findable. :slight_smile:

Many thanks, @eastgate and @mwra for confirming and pointing me to the section in aTbRef that states clearly “These values are case sensitive.”!
As I wrote, that’s what I concluded out after several hours of hunting for action code or something else that was turning my negative Booleans into positive ones in an OnAdd. Now I know that the reason was that I spelled it as “False” (it didn’t help that that spelling occurs in the Forum which made it seem legitimate…).
The positive hint of course is that a correctly lowercase “false” turns green in the Tinderbox editor; but that you only find out when you do it :slight_smile:
Anyway, many thanks again - and I hops that documenting this in the Forum will help others with code writing skills as sloppy as mine :wink: