Is it possible to parse and manipulate Tinderbox's XML using Ruby?

I have been working on a new Ruby class that should now be useful enough to be worth sharing.

This ruby script will parse attributes, notes, and links belonging to a Tinderbox document. It can be used, for instance, to backup notes (with all attribute values) to a TSV file. (Wiki Links – [[link]] – can optionally be added to the text.) This could be useful to recover data from files that refuse to open.

I might add the option to retrieve other elements, such as link types, preferences, filters, colors, macros, badges, windows, searches, and gallery. But this is for a later time. All feedback and suggestions are welcome.


This was developed using Ruby 3.1, and it relies on Nokogiri.

I recommend installing Ruby with rbenv via Homebrew.


/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"


brew install rbenv
echo 'export PATH="$HOME/.rbenv/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.zshrc

Ruby 3.1

Restart the terminal, install version 3.1.0 and, optionally set it as the global Ruby version for your system.

rbenv install 3.1.0
rbenv global 3.1.0


Finally, install Nokogiri:

$ gem install nokogiri

Edited: Thanks, @WAKAMATSU for spoting an error here. This was previously writen Nokogiri whereas all the letters should be in lowercase.

Github gist