Linking all occurrences of a word to a note

I am curious about something:

  • Is it possible to link all occurrences of a word (or of different words) to a single note or container? (Of course that is possible doing it manually, but this is not a feasible solution given a large enough corpus.)
  • Assuming it is possible, then to use the browser links, or some other function, to navigate back to any of the occurrences of the word?

Why would I want this?
Well, assuming I use tinderbox to keep the texts that are my primary sources, it can be really useful to create a glossary, that is, a note for each of the main concepts that gets steadily improved as the research deepens. By linking all occurrences, it also becomes a nice aid to reading.

Let us say I were reading Kant and had the text of Kritik der reinen Vernunft on Tinderbox (properly divided in smaller sections and notes). Then I would create a note for the word Vernunft defining it and then I would have it accessible every time the word (and perhaps cognate words, such as vernünftig) showed up in the text.

This sounds like a concordance-type function.

One one level, the answer is yes. BUT, I think you need to consider scale.

So, in my own research I often use values() to get all the discrete values of a note, then format that into a note’s $Text, then explode the paragraphs to give me per-value (or in your case per-word) notes: these notes could become containers if needs be.

I then use edicts or stamps to link the per-value note to all notes where that value occurs. Why an edict or stamp and not a rule or agent? With 100s or 1000s of notes this can get very processor intensive. Also, you are going to want to not use Map view or the many links will bring things to a crawl. as you’re likely looking for a word in $Text, as the target then you’ll be essentially searching the text of every one with a .contains() search which is one of the most processor intensive tasks.

In summary. Is Tinderbox a concordance app? NO, but you can replicate some aspects of that but we aware of the effects of scale.

Separately, Browse Links shows you only outbound links and cannot be ‘torn off’ as a stand-alone window. However, take a look at the Roadmap pop-up, which can be torn off and which allow you to navigate in or out of a note.

@mwra, thank you for your answer. I will try this. If this is not abusing your goodwill (in case so, feel free to ignore this request), would you be willing to share a sample of the tbx where you used this system?

My research files I can’t easily share at present, but if I get I moment I’ll try and make a quick demo file.

I should point out that action code-based linking can only link to a note rather to a word within text. The later is possible with manual linking only.

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