Map View - how to return to chosen position

I know this question keeps coming up, and sorry not to have understood the solution —
So, every time I open a particular map view it is positioned in the same place, an inconvenient area which is not the place where I left the view. Id like to come back to the view in the position where I was last editing it.
(This particular view is a bit like a time line, with ‘today’ being an adornment towards the right side of the accumulated events. I can get to it by using quick find, but would love it to open where I left it) .
Apologies if I am missing something obvious. This seems to happen with a lot of my Map views,
I want to add, of course, how exceptional, unique and marvellous Tinderbox is.
Many thanks for any advice.

So far, I’ve not found a convenient way to make this happen. Note, however, when you are in map view, if you start to type the name of the note you wan to view TBX will take you to note.