Medical research start

The answer to this question is that it depends; it all depends on on your goals and intentions and how you plan to curate your notes for future creation and contribution. Personally, I like breaking notes down to their atomic essence, and the to cite them individually. This works for me as I use and use my atomic notes in a lot of different applications.

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I’d accord with the last answer above. See what others do, but don’t let their process override your style of work unless you can see a benefit.

It is a start, but it scales messily, IMO. Once you know a term or relationship, capture the fact in $Tags or a user attribute, or make a link. The information in these attributes becomes metadata (annotations!) on your notes but is more easily searchable if you annotate with care. Rather than search every note’s text ($Text) for the term pulmonary, when doing initial ingest/review of notes, you could add the term ‘pulmonary’ to the $Tags of relevant notes (or use some user attribute of your choice). Now you can search $Tags for notes that include the ‘pulmonary’ tag. It’s still a wide search, but it’s processing less overall data than all the $Text or all the notes. Plus, the word ‘pulmonary’ might occur in general text but where it is not germane to finding notes on that topic. In such circumstances you would not tag that note, thereby excluding a note from a $Tags search that a $Text search would find.

For me (others will vary), as time goes by with a project, if I have to use $Text.contains() for more than occasional or unusual things, I take it as an indication I’m not being effective with identifying key terms and ideas and extracting them into attributes. This arc applies for new notes added to a project. Initially, I may need to use some $Text searches just to get familiar with the new content but with some extraction structure (existing attributes) already in place the move from only $Text to a more nuanced set of information gets faster.

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this is brilliant. especially since I have a few “most of the info, i.e. a quote is in the title” notes with reference information in the not body. they can become quite unwieldily as in-line-text-links. cheers for that.

edit: while trying to use that, when I click on suggested notes after going [[ to start a link, the link is automatically created and I seem to have no chance to edit it with the | symbol… mmhhh.

will try to make it to one of the meetings. don’t want to hold things up though b/c my inaptitude. will try and watch your videos and learn how to implement. just extremely time pressed for time currently. thank you so much everyone for taking the time.

ok. I figured the long-ziplink thing out. holding the “option” key while selecting from the suggestions let’s me put in | and name the link. then all is well. cheers for pointing me to the relevant documentation.

Whoops, sorry about that…for forgot to mention that above. I’ll update my post. :wink: Glad you figured it out.

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watched Video 05, now a lot became much more clear. cheers for creating those videos.

regarding zip-links: can I make it default behavior, that a zip link does not show up as a link-arrow on the map (things might get crowded if I use them more generously to have some wiki-like things happening)?

Cool! You’re welcome.

I don’t think you can configure link views

What you can do, however, is manage link types and specify if links should be visible or not. As Ziplinks are use the *untitled type you can make that not visislbe:


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dear michael,

that seems like a plan. maybe an added bonus is, that I then have to force myself to assign some meaningful title to every link I want to be visible… beats “mindlessly” linking things together, even though, sometimes a connection is all there is at first with the nature of that connection becoming clear only later…

btw, watched the prototype video… very helpful indeed. now, next is finding out how to leverage and first of all understand the concept of inheritance.

one more question, a &Tag attribute works the same as any other, just happens to be called “tag” and is used as such. I might as well use $keyword as an attribute (any attribute can be filled with more than one word, right?) and use it similarly?

thanks again for taking the time. stay safe.

Dear Eastgate TB community,

I hope it is ok to just ask on away as things come up. this thread seems as good a place as any. when learning about prototypes in your video, I am not sure if I missed something but is there a way to assign a specific prototype design to a “normal” new note (the one that appears after pressing “enter”)? If so, I might find it handy if the text field could be prepended/autofilled with a time stamp as a unique identifier (or might it be better to plunge that into an attribute?) I am asking because that might give some flexibility after exporting notes.

I.e. the text field/or maybe better the title starts with YYYYMMDDMMss automatically…

I hope I could make myself clear somehow…



$Keyword is fine, I use it in many of my files. Be sure to set it up as a “set” type, however, so that you don’t get duplicates.

The great thing about use link-type names is then you can trigger action code off them. I must do a video on its one of these days. I use it a ton.

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The best way to do this is to create a container for your notes (try not to create too many notes on the root map, this can get messy quick). In that container use the “OnAdd” attribute. In the OnAdd Attribute you can put something like this:


The above example applies the prototype pDailyJournal to any note created in that container and sets it $Name to the current date. You can string a whole bunch of actions into an OnAdd. I use this a lot to automatically add citation and bibliography info as I’m taking notes on a file.

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Further to @satikusala’s point, see here for a detailed description of the link type settings available. It is important to note that these settings work for all links of that type across the whole document. Thus if, for example, you un-ticked ‘visible’ for the ‘untitled’ link type not only would it disappear in the current map but in all map views throughout the document. You can of course, toggle these settings on and off. The styling/visibility of link types only affects their display in any views that show links or link stubs (e.g. map, timeline, outline, chart, etc.).

In the same way, a link action applies to all links using that link type.

Note too that you can change a links link type after it has been created and the link will assume the new types styling, action, etc.

Links have no label, as such, but instead use their link type as the ‘label’. You can add your own link types. Once used on a single link they become just another available link type within the current document.

You can style a link individually—that is differently from its general link type—via the Browse Links dialog. My _understanding is this works akin to attribute inheritance: a link inherits all its link type’s styling except those set particular to the link.

Again, some further detail. Tinderbox is a toolbox. Everything has a default but most things can be altered by you, the user, to a default or setting that better fits your work.

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First, I guess I should link to an article on use of the $-prefix to attribute names. In the app, it is an action code method to say 'use the value of this attribute). In more general writing such as here in the forum, outside code examples it is used ti indicate the writer is talking about an attributes. Thus, if I write ‘I use Tags to…’ I might be referring to the Tinderbox Tags attribute or to tags in general. But ‘I use $Tags to…’ makes the usage more explicit.

As to your question, to save yourself confusion as you use the app more, see this article on Tinderbox attribute naming conventions. Reading that should explain why although keyword is a valid attribute name Keyword would be a more Tinderbox-style attribute name. Note that attribute names are case-sensitive so $keywords and $Keywords would be referencing two different attributes. Indeed as the attribute is likely to be multi-value (a Set or List type) a plural name helps indicate that, i.e. $Keywords

Tags and Keywords have generally the same meaning but came from different communities of use: they do the same thing.

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Sure. With my forum admin’s hat on, I would suggest you start a new threat for each discrete question. Why? It’s the same number of posts but it makes it easier for those answering to see the exact question and more importantly it is a help to other users looking to answer the same question (and saves them scrolling through lots of writing about other issues to find the answer). Anyway, no blame here :slight_smile: , I’m just noting this since you were kind enough to ask!

You can always cross-link your posts if you want to refer to a previous discussion in a different thread. Below every discrete post, to the left of the ‘Reply’ button is a linked chain symbol. Click on that and you get a URL you can paste into a different thread to link to that post.


The sort answer is ‘No’, in that you can’t ‘just’ configure this at app level. But, for a new document you can change the defaults of attributes. Save that file as a favourite and you can call it from the File → Open Favorites anytime (albeit not via a shortcut).

The flexibility for that is built into export code. Plus, every note records its creation date ($Created) which can easily be access via action/export code or shown in the UI via Displayed Attributes or a Display Expression or a Hover Expression.

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Hi Mark, Hi Michael,

thanks for all your input. That made things much more clear. Now let’s hope I can put it into practice. Also like the the idea of keeping the root map clean and do things in containers - this also to use inheritance / predefined behavior more efficiently. No I just need to habit form and use $Keywords more regularly. just briefly to clarify, in $Created an entire time stamp is stored and I just need to coax it out after reading up on how to do that? no further magic? And I can put that into the note title? Cool. Cheers.

Stay safe, will be in touch. And as always, thanks again.


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There are many ways you can do this. It can be an a Rule, Edict, Stamp, or an OnAdd. If you’re using containers, I’d user and OnAdd, e.g.


See this: TBX L - OnAdd.tbx (77.5 KB)

See here: Date Formats.

The “l” in the .format Dot Operator formats the UTC date to the local date. You can change using other formatting codes to display the date in any number of formats.

Dear Mr. Michael Becker,
Thanks so much for your informations, here.

I change from $Name=$Created.format(“l”); to $Name=$Created.format(“n”);,
but I do not need [2021-06-27T13:43:09+09:00], this [ +09:00 ].
In your guidance, this should be n (for “normal”), which displays the system medium date string and short time string. Example; 21 Jan 2020 at 17:12. (Added in v8.2.3)
How can I remove [ +09:00 ] from using format(”n”)?
ISO 8601 format (e.g. 2008-11-20 16:55:00), will be perfect for me.
Please give me a piece of advice.
Thx and regards, WAKAMATSU

See this page on Date formats. Most of the single-letter fixed formates include your time zone offset (i.e. where you are is Universal Time + 9 hours). to get 2008-11-20 16:55:00 use this format string:

$Name = $Created("y-M0-D h:mm:s");

See my link at the start for what all the letters in the fprmat string do you create your desired format.

Dear Doctor Mark Anderson,
Thanks a lot for your instruction.
I turn up your Date Formats
(Date Formats)
I am delighted to report that using $Name=$Created.format(“y-M0-D h:mm:s”);
in place of $Name = $Created(“y-M0-D h:mm:s”);,
this can set the function on under my circumstance (Mac OS 10.14.6 Mojave Tinderbox 9.0.0).
( I find [.format] necessary for additional. )
I often use this kind of TOD data via Keyboard Maestro macro for any purpose. (intend to zettelkasten Note or other type of Note)

No.1 : Insert Date, long (10.Nov.12)

No.2 : Insert Date, short

No.3 : Spell for TodayDATE
%Variable%zettelTitle%%ICUDateTimeMinus%3*7%Days%EEE, MMM d, yyyy h:mm%%LongTime%

Respectfully yours, WAKAMATSU