Meetup on READING NOTES: Saturday, June 19 2021

Time: June 19, 2021 12:00 noon Eastern Time (US and Canada)

9 AM Pacific Time
Noon Eastern time
1300 São Paulo
1600 UTC
1700 London
1800 Paris
2130 Dehli

SPECIAL TOPIC: Reading with Tinderbox. How do you use Tinderbox to make reading notes? Come share your ideas and insights!

Plus: Tell us what you’re working on! It doesn’t matter whether you’ve been using Tinderbox for a few days or a few years. Everyone’s eager to help!


Here, by request, are my notes for the meeting.

Tinderbox 9 Reading Notes.tbx (372.7 KB)


Will this be available to watch on Vimeo?

Most of it. The recording got chopped into pieces; I’m working to reknit them

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Thank you :grinning:

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The topic is very interesting! Could you please upload it in better quality? (now it is only available in 360p)

The two parts of the recording have now been uploaded in native resolution