Placeholder for next week’s meetup:
Saturday, 2020-09-12, 9:00 am PDT
Placeholder for next week’s meetup:
Saturday, 2020-09-12, 9:00 am PDT
Video from September 5 is now available: Tinderbox Meeting 5 September 2020 on Vimeo
Mark Bernstein is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Tinderbox Meetup
Time: Sep 12, 2020 12:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 885 065 9900
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Meeting ID: 885 065 9900
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I’ll be there!
17:00 UK? I should be able to make it.
Proposed Agenda
At the moment, we’ll keep it freeform, like last week: We got a lot of interesting questions, and I think those who asked got answers to help them get unstuck. Abhijit asked a question but had to leave before we could help:
From Abhijit Mahabal : I have [a question] about cleaning a mass of notes into a better organization. How would you describe the organization goal (I am looking for answers like, e.g., move things of some type to a container)?
Great question. Let’s make that one of the first times.
Not to be understood as volunteering anyone: If Bruno or Steve shows up, they may want to discuss the files they shared a couple weeks ago, or answer questions about them.
Please let me know if you have other ideas for these meetups. One idea that’s starting to buzz around the back of my brain is to start creating something—in complete ignorance of Tinderbox’s power—and let people watch over my shoulder as I fumble around to trying both a) do work and b) learn Tinderbox.
Others could volunteer to do the same. I still maintain that Tinderbox is first and foremost a tool for thinking, a tool that “helps you visualize, analyze, and share your notes, plans, and ideas.” Thanks to its flexibility, this could be anything from philosophy and theology to investment and entrepreneurship!
That might be a stupid idea, but it’s clear a lot of us are in this position, and watching people struggle from mere novice to master—an idea not unlike reading Mark walk us through this process in The Tinderbox Way (a book you should consider buying if you haven’t yet done so)—might help. And if you’re the one who volunteers, you’ll actually take that first step!
Until soon,
Here’s the file for chat.
2020-09-12 tinderbox zoom meetup (2.2 KB)
And here’s the video: Tinderbox Meetup 12 September 2020 on Vimeo