outboundBasicLinks to text file

Thanks @PaulWalters and @mwra,

The big goal I’m working toward is to be able to export my tinderbox file to markdown files. I want to have access to them in markdown compatible apps for the iPhone and iPad. I’m reviewing the following threads:

  1. Zettelkasten compatibility with Markdown apps
  2. Zettelkasten export

I got some support on this conversation to get the tags working: How to change commas to semi-colons in List/Set attributes? - #4 by mwra

When I have the whole system set-up built I will repost to help others.

Each file exported will contain the following:

  1. Title
  2. Date Created
  3. Date Modified
  4. Text of the Note
  5. Citation
  6. Tags
  7. Inbound links
  8. Outbound links
  9. Related notes

I’ve figured out how to add 1-6. I’m trying to figure out 6-8 (bolded above)

I’m trying to work small and incrementally trying to solve one problem at a time so I can better learn to use Tinderbox.

The problem I’m trying to solve is I’m exporting html code and I just want to export plain text.

This is being exported:

[[<ul><li><a href="1583783431.html">1583783431</a></li></ul> 1583783447]]

I want to just export [[1583783431]]

Ideally of the links would export in a list such as

Inbound Links

* [[1583783447]]
* [[1583783600]]

Here is the file. I’ll keep reviewing other examples trying to figure it out.

incoming and outgoing links.tbx (118.7 KB)